Changing an Existing System Log Message

To change a specific line in an existing log message, enter the following command to find out its line number:
query logmsg
In response to this command, CP displays the log message. A log message contains:
  • A header line that indicates the time the log message was last updated.
    A sample header line might look like this:
    LOGMSG - 10:37:28 EDT WEDNESDAY 01/23/98
  • Up to 50 lines containing the line number and the log message text.

    CP displays one line for each nonnull log message line. If all of the lines are null, CP sends you a message saying that there is no LOGMSG data. In addition, CP displays line numbers for nonnull log message lines only if you have class B privileges.

Once you know the line number of a specific line, you can enter a SET LOGMSG command to change it to the new text.

To delete a specific line from an existing log message, enter:
set logmsg nn null
where nn is the line number of the message you want to delete.