The RDRLIST command displays information about files in your reader. An abbreviation for RDRLIST is RL.

If you sent yourself a file, as suggested in the previous section, you can enter RL now.

A sample rdrlist screen follows.
 SNOWHITE RDRLIST  A0  V 164  Trunc=164 Size=3 Line=1 Col=1 Alt=2
Cmd   Filename Filetype Class User  at Node     Hold  Records  Date     Time
_     MINING   NEWS     PUN A SNOOZY   COTTAGE  NONE        3 07/07   10:41:38
      SNOOZY   NOTE     PUN A SNOOZY   COTTAGE  NONE        5 07/07   10:3:11
      MIRROR   MIRROR   PUN A QUEEN    CASTLE   NONE        1 07/07   10:2:50

1= Help      2= Refresh   3= Quit     4= Sort(type) 5= Sort(date) 6= Sort(user)
7= Backward  8= Forward   9= Receive 10=           11= Peek      12= Cursor

                                                           X E D I T  1 File

As you can see, the rdrlist screen lists information about the files in Snow White's reader:

Cmd is an area where you can enter commands.  We will discuss this later.
Filename is the file name.
Filetype is its file type.
Class is not important to you right now.
User tells you the user ID of the person who sent you the file.
At Node is the person's node.
Hold is not important to you right now.
Records tells you how many records are in the file.
Date is the date the file was sent.
Time is the time it was sent.