*PEXIT Record

The *PEXIT record names an exit exec to be called after VMLINK has located a free virtual device number and file mode letter and before the minidisk or SFS directory is accessed.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram *PEXIT execname parmlist
  • This exit is called for each minidisk and SFS directory accessed before the exec named on the PREEXIT option or :preexit tag.
  • The *PEXIT record is processed even if the NOEXIT option is specified.
  • Just as with the PREEXIT option and :preexit tag, the parameter list can include VMLINK variables.

As long as any value is entered this control record will be used and no further searching is done for this record.

If no control record value is specified the control record is ignored and the control file search will continue for this record.