ADAEWPUR (Purge Work Unit) Action

The SPM drives the resource adapter for this action because the application called the DMSPURWU (Purge Work Unit IDs) CSL routine to return all work unit IDs to CMS. For more information about DMSPURWU, see the z/VM: CMS Callable Services Reference.

If your resource adapter has any external communication paths (such as APPC/VM connections) associated with the work unit, the resource adapter should deallocate (sever) them. Failure to do so could cause a security problem. Subsequent applications, particularly in a batch machine, might not be authorized to use the communication paths, but might be able to do so if authorization checking is done only when the communication is established.

Table 1 lists (in order of increasing severity) the response codes your resource adapter can return for an ADAEWPUR action call, and the resulting action taken by the SPM for each response.
Table 1. Resource Adapter Exit Routine Response Codes for the ADAEWPUR (Purge Work Unit) Sync Point Action Call
Response Code Macro Value Resource's Reason for Issuing This Response Action Taken by the SPM
ADAOK 100 Default response. Work unit is ended.
ADARF 8 Resource no longer available due to session outage, deallocate (abend), or failure of the resource manager. Work unit is ended.
ADAAERR 212 Resource no longer available due to failure of the adapter. Work unit is ended.