Listing the Contents of Directories
To see what a directory contains, use the DIRLIST command. DIRLIST is a good starting place because it lets you to get the big picture of a directory.
DIRList dirid
For dirid, you can enter the name of the directory you wish to list. If the directory is accessed, you can specify the file mode letter of the directory. If you specify the command without a dirid, your top directory and its subdirectories will be listed.
yourid DIRLIST A0 V 319 Trunc=319 Size=1 Line=1 Col=1 Alt=0
Cmd Fm Directory Name
_ A VMSYSU:yourid.
1= Help 2= Refresh 3= Quit 4= Sort(fm) 5= Sort(dir) 6= Auth
7= Backward 8= Forward 9= 10= 11= Filelist 12= Cursor
X E D I T 1 File
DIRLIST lists the directory you specified and any subdirectories below it. You have not yet created any subdirectories, so only your top directory is shown.
As you can see, your top directory, VMSYSU:yourid., is accessed with a file mode of A.
At the bottom of the DIRLIST screen is a listing of PF keys available to you now. You are already familiar with some of these keys; we will explain how to use the others in the following exercises. For now, press PF3 to quit the DIRLIST screen.