Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram INDicate SPaces 1USER*USERuserid2SPacespaceid3
  • 1 If INDICATE SPACES is executed with the AT command, the userid or spaceid operand is required.
  • 2 A class G user may specify only the user's own user ID.
  • 3 A class G user may specify only the user's own address space.


Privilege Class: E, G


Use INDICATE SPACES to display information about a specific address space or all of the address spaces owned by a user. A class G user can display information about the user's own address spaces. A class E user can display information about any address spaces.


returns information about all address spaces owned by the command issuer. This is the default.
USER userid
returns information about all address spaces owned by userid.
indicates that the next operand is a spaceid.
is the name of the specific space for which data is requested.
The spaceid is a 1- to 33-character string of the form:
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramowner: spacename
where owner is an optional 1- to 8-character user ID of the virtual machine that owns the address space, and spacename is the 1- to 24-character name assigned to the address space. If owner is not specified, the command issuer's virtual machine is assumed to be the owner of the address space.

The spacename 'BASE' is preassigned by CP to be the name of your virtual machine's host-primary address space.

An example of a valid spaceid is "OPERATOR:BASE".

Examples of spaceids that are not valid are ":BASE" and "BASE". These spaceids are not valid only when the command is issued with the AT command.

Usage Notes

  1. Any field containing cumulative data from the time the user logged on (reads, writes, and migrates) is preserved during a guest relocation. As a result, the counters might wrap over time.


Response 1:

Spaceid=sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss  Owned size=nu  {PRIVATE}
                                                          {SHARED }
Pages:  Main=n...n  Xstore=---  Dasd=nnnnnnnnnn  Locked=---
Private paging:
   Xstore:  Reads=---         Writes=---         Migrates=---
   Dasd:    Reads=nnnnnnnnnn  Writes=nnnnnnnnnn
Shared paging:
   Xstore:  Reads=---         Writes=---         Migrates=---
   Dasd:    Reads=nnnnnnnnnn  Writes=nnnnnnnnnn
is the fully-qualified address space ID (1 to 33 characters), to which the following data applies.
Owned size=nu
is the size of the storage within the address space that is owned by the owner of the address space, where n is a decimal number and u is the unit of measure. This value can differ from the defined size of the address space only for a primary address space. This value is displayed in units of measure appropriate to the storage size. Shared portions of NSSs or DCSSs that are imbedded in the address space(s) are not considered to be owned by the virtual machine and are not included in the storage size.
Table 1. Storage Units of Measure
Units suffix Maximum allowed
K - Kilobytes 2096128
M - Megabytes 17592186044416
G - Gigabytes 17179869184
T - Terabytes 16777216
P - Petabytes 16384
E - Exabytes 16
indicates whether the address space is in the private state or in the shareable state.
includes information about pages for this space.
is the number of pages that are resident in real storage for this address space.
is included for compatibility only. It is always displayed as dashes.
is the number of pages allocated on DASD paging space for this address space.
is included for compatibility only. It is always displayed as dashes.
indicates the number of instantiated pages for this address space. A page is considered instantiated when it takes up resource in the paging hierarchy (that is, occupies a real frame or a slot on paging DASD). A copy of a page in multiple places in the paging hierarchy counts as one instantiation.
Private paging
includes information about private paging for this space. The values include counts only for private pages owned by the address space owner. These counts are cumulative for the life of the address space and do not change when the state (private or shared) of the address space changes.
Xstore: Reads=--- Writes=--- Migrates=---
is included for compatibility only. It is always displayed as dashes.
includes information about paging between DASD paging space and real storage.
is the number of pages read from DASD to real storage for this address space.
is the number of pages written from main storage to DASD for this address space.
Shared paging
includes information about shared paging for this space. The values include counts only for shared pages owned by the address space owner. These counts are cumulative for the life of the address space and do not change when the state (private or shared) of the address space changes.
Xstore: Reads=--- Writes=--- Migrates=---
is included for compatibility only. It is always displayed as dashes.
includes information about paging between DASD paging space and real storage.
is the number of pages read from DASD to real storage for this address space.
is the number of pages written from real storage to DASD for this address space.


  • HCP007E Invalid userid - userid.
  • HCP1041E Address space spaceid. does not exist
  • HCP6578E Invalid address space identifier - option.