Privilege Class: E
Use INDICATE QUEUES to display, in order of their priority, current members of the dispatch and eligible lists.
Note: Each member is a virtual processor with a transaction in progress. Status critical to
the system scheduler and dispatcher is also displayed.
- displays expanded information about virtual processors with a transaction in progress.
Usage Notes
- When INDICATE QUEUES consistently shows En virtual processors, an
eligible list is forming because one or more system resources appears to be constrained. Under such
conditions, forcing users with a transaction in progress to wait in the eligible list increases
virtual machine throughput as a whole, and also reduces system overhead. The appearance of a
constrained resource is affected by:
- The amount of resources available on the system.
- The total demand for the resources.
- The fraction of resource that is available to certain user classes. For example, the SET SRM STORBUF and SET SRM DSPBUF commands can affect the amount of resources available to certain user classes.
The system resources tracked are: storage, paging capacity, and CPU.
- When you enter INDICATE QUEUES EXP and the bbb field is
(virtual processor in test-idle state), the associated priority field shows99999
. This should not be read literally as a 99,999 second deadline priority; the99999
value is used by the scheduler to temporarily place the virtual processor at the bottom of the dispatch list. - The format of Response 2 is extremely sensitive to the product release and service level.
- All virtual processors on the limit list are also part of the dispatch list. However, they have exceeded the limit of the CPU resource that they are allowed to use and will not run until they leave the limit list.
- CP's virtual processor management has been improved so that no user stays in the eligible list more than an instant before being added to the dispatch list. Therefore users are rarely shown to be in the eligible list.
Notes: The response you receive lists users in the following order:
- All dispatch list users (Qn) in dispatch priority order
- All eligible list users (En) in eligible list priority order.
The data displayed by this command represents the system at a single, self-consistent instant. (The system is locked briefly so that no changes occur while the data is being gathered.)
Response 1:
userid1 ttnn aa bbb s...s/t...t
(1 user per line)
- userid1
- userid2
- each identifies a virtual machine.
- tt
- is a code for the VMDTYPE, if other than the user. It can be:
- MP for virtual MP. Each virtual CPU defined for a user shows up separately with the same user ID and a type of MP. Each is a separately dispatchable unit.
- Blank if the virtual processor is any other type.
- nn
- is the virtual CPU number of this virtual processor for virtual MP guests, or is blank if not for virtual MP guests.
- aa
- is the current list status of the user:
- Status
- List the User Is On
- Q0
- The dispatch list and exempt from eligible list delays
- Q1
- The dispatch list and entered as an E1 user
- Q2
- The dispatch list and entered as an E2 user
- Q3
- The dispatch list and entered as an E3 user
- E1
- The E1 eligible list
- E2
- The E2 eligible list
- E3
- The E3 eligible list
- LN
- The limit list (subset of dispatch list) due to SHARE LIMITHARD setting.
- L0
- The limit list and exempt from eligible list delays.
- L1
- The limit list and the user entered the dispatch list as a class "1" user.
- L2
- The limit list and the user entered the dispatch list as a class "2" user.
- L3
- The limit list and the user entered the dispatch list as a class "3" user.
Note: Users who have been defined as QUICKDSP are in Q0 status whenever they are in the dispatch list. Other users may show up briefly as Q0 if they really belong in the eligible list, but must make brief appearances in the dispatch list (for example, to finish with and release a lock). These users could also appear in the L0 status. - bbb
- is one of the following status indicators:
- Rnn
- indicates that the user is the current RUNUSER on the specified real processor, where nn is the processor ID (in hexadecimal).
- PG
- indicates that the user is in page wait; the user's virtual machine is not executing because CP is trying to bring in a page from a paging device.
- IO
- indicates that the user is in I/O wait. The user's virtual machine cannot run and has I/O either
queued by CP or already in progress. Note: When a user performs I/O through a synchronous DIAGNOSE instruction (as when running CMS), userid shows up as
, not asEX
, while the instruction waits for the I/O. - AP
- indicates that the user is waiting for an APPC/VM function to complete. The APPC/VM function was invoked with the WAIT=YES option.
- EX
- indicates that the user is in instruction simulation wait; that is, the user's virtual machine is waiting for the completion of instruction simulation.
- PS
- indicates that the user is in PSW wait; that is, the user's virtual machine is in an enabled wait state.
- TI
- indicates that a user is in the test-idle state; that is, the user is idle, but has not been idle long enough to be dropped from the dispatch list.
- R
- indicates that a user is in the ready state.
- –
- indicates that a user is in another state not described by the above indicators.
Note: In cases where a virtual machine may be in more than one of the above states, only one state is displayed; the state displayed is the first one encountered in the order of priority indicated above. - s...s
- is a decimal number indicating the number of pages resident in real storage for this user. The s...s value is displayed as 8 - 10 digits.
- t...t
- is a decimal number indicating the number of pages estimated by the dispatcher as the working set of this user. The t...t value is displayed as 8 - 10 digits.
Response 2:
userid ttnn aa bbb s...s/t...t wxyz sppppp
(1 user per line)
is the response received when INDICATE QUEUES is issued with the EXP option. All fields to the left of wxyz are the same as described for Response 1.
- wxyz
- contains the following 4 status indicators:
- w
- H
- The user is receiving a hotshot.
- L
- The user is receiving a lock-shot.
- x
- I
- The user is receiving interactive bias.
- y
- is one of the following status indicators that refers to a user's eligible list stay, or last
eligible list stay if the user is currently in the dispatch list. If more than one of these
conditions applies, the one closer to the top of this list applies.
- D
- The user is currently past its eligible list deadline.
- M
- The user was put in the eligible list for exceeding the maximum allowed working set size (WSS).
- P
- The user returned to the eligible list temporarily because of preemption.
- G
- The user returned to the eligible list temporarily for exceeding WSS-growth-limit.
- L
- The user is in the eligible list after having been in the dispatch list for lock-shot.
- z
- L
- The user is a loading user; that is, the user is considered to be actively bringing in its working set from DASD.
- sppppp
- indicates a user's priority in the eligible or dispatch list, depending on which list the user
is in. The priority is expressed in seconds and is represented as an offset from the deadline. The
deadline is the time that a dispatch list user is expected to finish its next dispatching minor time
slice, or the time that an eligible list user is expected to move to the dispatch list. If the value
is zero, the user is at the deadline. If the value is less than zero, the user already has passed
the deadline. In this case, the priority is expressed as a negative value and a dash (–) is
displayed in the
column. If the value is greater than zero, the user has not reached the deadline. The priority is expressed as a positive number, and no sign is displayed in thes