Privilege Class: E, G
Use INDICATE LOAD to display the operating load on the host system:
- The percentage of usage and CPU type for each online processor in your system
- Information concerning the minidisk cache
- The paging rate
- The number of users in the dispatch, eligible, and dormant lists.
Note: LOAD is the default operand of the INDICATE command.
- AT *
- displays operating load information for the system where you are logged on.
- AT sysname
- displays operating load information for a specific system in the SSI cluster to which this system belongs.
Usage Notes
- The term user(s) for the INDICATE LOAD command does not map one to one with the number of logged on users but instead maps to the number of entities that are dispatched by the dispatcher. In addition to logged on users, the dispatcher also dispatches each user's additional virtual CPUs, logon skeleton users, and other pseudo users.
- The values listed as rates or utilizations are actually smoothed averages. At certain times, these values might differ from the values obtained from other sources (such as Performance Toolkit for z/VM®), which use different algorithms.
- A logical partition in which z/VM is running can polarized either horizontally or vertically. When a partition is horizontally polarized, all CPUs in the partition (within a given CPU type) receive access to approximately equal real CPU resources on the machine. When a partition is vertically polarized, CPUs in the partition receive different real CPU entitlements. High entitlement allows a CPU to consume approximately an entire real CPU. Medium entitlement CPUs are entitled to some percentage of a real CPU. Low entitlement CPUs receive no entitlement to real CPU resources and can consume only spare CPU resources that become available when a logical partition on the machine does not consume its entitlement. Utilization values might be lower on medium or low entitlement CPUs than on high entitlement CPUs of the same type. The utilization levels will depend on whether there are spare cycles available for consumption and whether the z/VM system requires the cycles. To change the polarization of the logical partition, use the SET SRM command with the POLARIZATION operand.
- When multithreading is enabled, use the INDICATE MULTITHREAD command to display processor core utilization information.
- CP's virtual processor management has been improved so that no user stays in the eligible list more than an instant before being added to the dispatch list. Therefore users are rarely shown to be in the eligible list, and the count of users in the eligible list is usually 0.
Response 1:
The class G response appears as:
AVGPROC-nnn% pppp
Q0-nnnnn Q1-nnnnn Q2-nnnnn EXPAN-nnn Q3-nnnnn EXPAN-nnn
Response 2:
The class E response appears as:
AVGPROC-nnn% pppp
Q0-nnnnn(zzzzz) DORMANT-nnnnn
Q1-nnnnn(zzzzz) E1-nnnnn(zzzzz)
Q2-nnnnn(zzzzz) EXPAN-nnn E2-nnnnn(zzzzz)
Q3-nnnnn(zzzzz) EXPAN-nnn E3-nnnnn(zzzzz)
PROC adr1-nnn% {CP } pe PROC adr2-nnn% {CP } pe
{IFL } {IFL }
{ICF } {ICF }
PROC adrn-nnn% {CP } pe PROC adrn-nnn% {CP } pe
{IFL } {IFL }
{ICF } {ICF }
- AVGPROC-nnn%
- identifies the average processor use percentage for all processors combined. The nnn value is 0 through 100 percent. This value represents an average value of the portion of a real CPU that each logical CPU was able to consume.
- pppp
- identifies the number of processors.
- READS-n..n /SEC
- identifies the number of data pages read from the minidisk cache instead of from DASD. The n..n value will be displayed as 6 - 8 digits.
- HIT RATIO-hhh%
- identifies the percentage of successful lookups in the minidisk cache. This is the percentage of eligible read I/Os that were avoided because of the minidisk cache.
- WRITES-m..m /SEC
- identifies the number of data pages inserted into the minidisk cache. The m..m value will be displayed as 6 - 8 digits.
- PAGING-n..n /SEC
- identifies a value that indicates the current system paging activity in decimal, including migration writes, but does not include spooling information. The n..n value will be displayed as 1 - 8 digits.
- Qn
- indicates a smoothed average of the number of Qn users in the dispatch
list. A Qn user is an En user who is now in the
dispatch list.
- Q0
- indicates the users that were added to the dispatch list with no delay in the eligible list, regardless of the length of their current transaction.
- Q1
- indicates the users that have just begun a transaction, and therefore are assumed to be currently processing short transactions.
- Q2
- indicates the users that did not complete their current transactions during their first dispatch list stay and therefore are assumed to be running medium-length transactions.
- Q3
- indicates the users that did not complete their current transactions during their second dispatch stay and therefore are assumed to be running long transactions.
- EXPAN-nnn
- indicates the total delay in response time that a virtual machine experiences because of contention for scheduled resources. Q2 gives the expansion factor for those completing in Q2 (medium-length), and Q3 for those completing in Q3 (long-running transactions).
- En
- indicates a smoothed average of the number of En users in the eligible
list. Although a user may briefly be considered an E0 user, no E0 counts appear. This is because, by
definition, such a user spends virtually no time in the eligible list. After smoothing, this count
would always be 0 if shown. If, by unusual timing circumstances, a user is found in an E0 category,
the user is counted with the Q0 user counts.
- E1
- indicates the users that have just begun a transaction and therefore are assumed to be currently processing short transactions.
- E2
- indicates the users that did not complete their current transactions during their first dispatch list stay and therefore are assumed to be running medium-length transactions.
- E3
- indicates the users that did not complete their current transaction during their second dispatch list stay and therefore are assumed to be running long transactions.
- zzzzz
- identifies the number of users within the Qn or En counts that are designated as loading users. A loading user is a user assumed to be loading a working set into storage. A user is labeled loading or not loading based primarily on the number of page reads done during the user's last dispatch time slice. A high count of page reads is assumed to designate a loading user. A user also may be labeled as loading if the system has moved any of the user's referenced pages out to DASD while the user was not in the dispatch list. The loading designation is given in anticipation of the user's need to read pages back into storage when next dispatched.
- DORMANT-nnnnn
- identifies a smoothed average of the number of dormant list users.
- PROC adrn-nnn%
- represents the percentage of time that the system is running on the logical processor indicated. The operand adrn represents the processor ID in hexadecimal. The nnn value is 0 through 100 percent. This value represents the portion of a real CPU that this logical CPU was able to consume.
- CP
- indicates the CPU is a central processor (that is, a general-purpose processor).
- indicates the CPU is an IBM® Integrated Facility for Linux processor.
- indicates the CPU is an IBM z Integrated Information Processor.
- indicates the Internal Coupling Facility processor.
- pe
- indicates the polarization and entitlement of a CPU.
- HZ
- indicates the CPU is horizontally polarized.
- VH
- indicates the CPU is vertically polarized with high entitlement.
- VM
- indicates the CPU is vertically polarized with medium entitlement.
- VL
- indicates the CPU is vertically polarized with low entitlement.
- LIMITED-mmmmm
- is the instantaneous number of users in the limit list. These users are also in the dispatch list.
- HCP1142E The AT option is not allowed when this command is executed remotely with the AT command.