Suppose you do not want to see a title in a window. With the SET
RESERVED command, you can delete the title
My Personal Messages
the MESSAGE window and reuse the area previously reserved for the
title. Enter:
set reserved message 0 0
Here is what happens.
Fullscreen CMS Lines 33 - 47 of 47
Columns 1 - 79 of 81
tell * This is message 9.
tell * This is message 10.
window maximize message
window restore message
* 15:10:45 MSG FROM VMUSER : Let's see what happ Lines 1 - 8 of 11
* 15:32:43 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 1 Columns 1 - 69 of 70
* 15:32:50 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 2.
* 15:32:56 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 3.
* 15:33:01 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 4.
* 15:33:08 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 5.
* 15:33:14 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 6.
* 15:33:20 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 7.
+ ======================================================================
PF1=Help 2=Drop_Msg 3=Quit 4=Clear_Top 5=Filelist 6=Retrieve
PF7=Backward 8=Forward 9=Rdrlist 10=Left 11=Right 12=Cmdline
====> _
16:11:16 Enter a command or press a PF or PA key
Now, set the number of reserved lines at the top of the window
to 1. Enter:
set reserved message 1 0
Your screen now looks
like the example shown in Figure 2. Fullscreen CMS Lines 33 - 49 of 49
Columns 1 - 79 of 81
tell * This is message 9.
tell * This is message 10.
window maximize message
window restore message
* My Personal Messages Lines 1 - 7 of 11
* 15:10:45 MSG FROM VMUSER : Let's see what h Columns 1 - 69 of 70
* 15:32:43 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 1.
* 15:32:50 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 2.
* 15:32:56 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 3.
* 15:33:01 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 4.
* 15:33:08 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 5.
* 15:33:14 MSG FROM VMUSER : This is message 6.
+ ======================================================================
PF1=Help 2=Drop_Msg 3=Quit 4=Clear_Top 5=Filelist 6=Retrieve
PF7=Backward 8=Forward 9=Rdrlist 10=Left 11=Right 12=Cmdline
====> _
16:13:25 Enter a command or press a PF or PA key
Now, drop the MESSAGE window by typing a
in any corner.
Then, enter the following command to clear the MESSAGE virtual screen
of all old messages:
vscreen clear message