Let us insert part of the radio waves file into the camping file. This time we will ask the editor to number the file lines.
====> set num on
The line numbers appear in the prefix area, replacing the five equal signs. Lines are numbered from the first line of the file, not from the first line on the screen.
The line numbers are not saved when you enter FILE or QUIT. If you want line numbers the next time you edit the file, you will have to enter the SET NUMBER ON command again.
Let us insert lines from this file into the camping file. We will insert lines beginning with QUITO, EQUADOR (line 4) and ending with HAVANA (line 8).
GET filename filetype first-line number-of-lines
you see that you would substitute 4
for first-line and 5
for number-of-lines.
Now you are finished with this file. Press PF3 to quit.
Call out the camping file from storage by moving the cursor to that line on the FILELIST screen and pressing PF11.
====> get radio waves 4 5
Remember, the second number in the GET command is the total number of lines you want inserted, not the line number. Remember, too, that the GET command inserts lines after the current line.
We do not want to save these changes, so press PF3.
====> qq
Press PF3 again to quit from FILELIST.