Example—Dumping Data on DASD to Tape

Suppose you want to dump to tape an IPLable version of the DDR program. The program resides on the K disk with a file name and file type of IPL DDR. To put this file on tape, do the following:

  1. Ask the operator to:
    • Mount on a tape drive a scratch tape enabled for writing
    • Attach the tape drive to your virtual machine as virtual device number 181.
  2. Define for the MOVEFILE command the file you want to move to tape. Enter:
    filedef in disk ipl ddr k
  3. Define for the MOVEFILE command the tape drive to which you want to move the file. Enter:
    filedef out tap1 (recfm f lrecl 80 block 80
  4. Wait for CP to send you a message that the tape drive has been attached.
  5. Move the DDR file from disk to tape. Enter:
    movefile in out