Status Notices
As you do work on your terminal, the lower right corner of the
screen will display various status notices. They tell you what is
happening in the system currently. If you forget what these notices
mean, you can come back to this section for reference.
- This notice appears
after you log on and before you enter the IPL CMS command. It means
that a part of the system called the Control Program (CP) is waiting
for you to enter a command, such as the IPL CMS command. The CP READ notice might also appear if you accidentally press the PA1 key. If that happens, type:
(short for BEGIN)
and press Enter.
This notice means that CMS is waiting for you to input text or enter a command.
- This notice means that the computer is working on something or that CMS is waiting for you to enter a command.
- This means that there is more information than can fit on the screen. After a short period of time, the next screen of information is displayed. To see the next screen right away, press CLEAR. To hold this information on the screen, press Enter. This changes the MORE… notice to HOLDING.
- This notice means that the system is waiting for you to clear the screen before showing you more information. It appears when the screen displays a MORE... notice and you press Enter. The notice can also appear when another user sends you a message. To end the hold, press CLEAR.
- This means that the system is working on something and is too busy to accept another command from you. Wait several seconds and enter your command again.
Note |
There are commands which allow you to alter the function of the MORE… and HOLDING notices, called CP TERMINAL MORE and CP TERMINAL HOLD. These commands will not be discussed in this document. For additional information see the z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference. |
Note |
If, after entering a command, you receive
the message
might be temporarily unable to continue because of a system problem.
Wait a few minutes, then type IPL CMS and press Enter twice to restart.If
you receive the following message:
this means that a disk (A or 191 disk) has not been prepared
yet for CMS files. Your z/VM administrator
will have to format the new minidisk according to the instructions
in the Formatting Minidisks section in z/VM: CMS User's Guide. |
Most of the work you do during a terminal session will be with files. The next chapter teaches you how to create and make changes in files.