Call Parameters

passes back the return code from the CSL routine (it is also returned in register 15). This return code variable must be the second parameter in the DMSCSL parameter list, and the first parameter in the direct call parameter list. It must be a signed integer variable with a length of 4.

Return codes enable the calling program to maintain control in the event of a CSL error condition, such as a call to a routine that cannot be located at execution time, or a call with parameters of unacceptable data types.

Return codes are also generated when one of the interfaces encounters a problem, such as parameters not matching what is in the template file. Return codes from the interface are stored in the retcode parameter, but they are negative values. (Return codes from the ADDRESS OPENVM interface are returned in the REXX RC variable.)

For more information about return codes, see Return Codes.

specifies the name of a variable to be passed to the CSL routine. (Some programming languages let you pass literal values as parameters.) The parameters and their data types are described with the individual routines in this chapter.

Character strings can be specified in lowercase, mixed case, or uppercase. In most instances, the characters are translated into uppercase. For file identifiers, however, the file name and file type are not translated to uppercase; they remain in the case in which they were specified.

See the z/VM: CMS Application Development Guide for examples of calling CSL routines from programs written in high-level languages. For more information about using the REXX CSL interface, see the z/VM: REXX/VM Reference.