What Do I Do Next?

Now, if you want to begin learning how to use z/VM, continue with the next chapter. If you have had enough for now, end this terminal session with the LOGOFF command. Type the following command at the command line, where your cursor is:
Press Enter. z/VM displays the time you logged off plus other accounting information. It also displays this message:
Press enter or clear key to continue

Now you can turn off your terminal. Or, if you want to start another terminal session, press Enter. The z/VM logo will appear again, and you can log on.

Here is a summary of the logon procedure:

Turn on your display to get the logo.
Type your user ID next to USERID ===→
Type your password next to PASSWORD ===→
Press Enter.

With automatic IPL:
When VM READ appears,
press Enter again and stop.

Without automatic IPL:
You type:    ipl cms
Press Enter.  When VM READ appears, press Enter again.

To log off:

You type:    logoff
Press Enter.