Copying a Block of Lines
To copy a block (a group of consecutive
lines), type the letters cc in the prefix
area of the first line of the block. Type cc in
the prefix area of the last line of the block. Then type an f or p. This
way, you do not need to count the number of lines you want copied.
For example:
cc=== This is the first line I want to copy.
===== This is the second.
===== This is the third.
===== This is the fourth.
cc=== This is the last.
p==== I want them to be copied before this line.
When you press Enter, a copy of the block of lines is placed before the line containing the p. (If the line contained an f, the block goes after that line.)
What if the block of lines extends for more than one screen? You can type cc on the first line of the block and then scroll the file until you find the last line of the block. Then you can type the second cc. You can also scroll the file before typing the f or p.
While you scroll the file, the status area displays:
'CC' pending...
The editor is waiting for you to enter an f (or p) or the second cc.