LOGONBY Directory Statement

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The LOGONBY statement designates up to eight user IDs that can use their own passwords to log on to and use the virtual machine.

How to Specify

The LOGONBY statement is allowed in profile, user, and identity entries. The LOGONBY statement must precede any device statements in an entry. (For a list of device statements, see Table 1.) An entry can contain several LOGONBY statements, and more than one LOGONBY user ID can be specified on each statement, but the maximum total of LOGONBY user IDs that can be specified in a user, identity, or profile entry is eight.


is a 1- to 8-character user ID that is to log on to this virtual machine with the BY operand. Up to eight user IDs can be specified.

Usage Notes

  1. When an External Security Manager (ESM) such as RACF® is installed, the authorization provided by the LOGONBY statement may be overridden. Also, RACF support has been added to perform authorization checks for attempts to log on to shared user IDs. Refer to documentation provided by your ESM for further details.
  2. When a user logs on with the BY operand, that user’s ID is the by-user ID for the virtual machine.
  3. The password of the by-user ID is used for LOGON authorization checking. For more information about the BY operand of the CP LOGON command, see LOGON.
  4. The current by-user ID for a virtual machine can be queried by using the CP QUERY BYUSER command, DIAGNOSE X'260' subcode 4, or DIAGNOSE X'26C' subcode 4.


  1. To authorize user ID LARRY to log on to a virtual machine with the BY operand, put this LOGONBY statement in the virtual machine definition:
    LOGONBY larry
  2. To authorize user IDs OPER1, OPER2, OPER3, and JONES to log on to a virtual machine with the BY operand, put this LOGONBY statement in the virtual machine definition:
    LOGONBY oper1 oper2 oper3 jones