- 1 If a profile is invoked which issues a LOAD subcommand that specifies fn and ft or pathname, fn and ft or pathname are not required.
- 2 The default options are shown above the main line in the options groups.
- 3 You can enter options in any order between the parentheses. If a default is not shown for an option, refer to the option description for the information.
Use XEDIT to invoke the editor to create, modify, and manipulate CMS files on disk, SFS files, or BFS regular files in the byte file system. Once you invoke the editor, you can execute XEDIT subcommands and use REXX or the EXEC 2 macro facility.
You can return control to the CMS environment by entering the XEDIT subcommand FILE, FFILE, QUIT, or QQUIT.
- fn ft
- are the file name and the file type of the SFS or minidisk file to be edited. If they are not specified here, they must be provided in the LOAD subcommand as part of the profile. In the GUI environment, if New file is selected from a CMSDESK application, and Xedit has been selected as your editor preference, the XEDIT file ID input window is displayed for CMS files.
- fm
- is the file mode of the file to be edited, indicating an accessed minidisk or SFS directory
where the file resides. The editor determines the file mode of the edited file as follows:
- Editing existing files
When the file mode is specified, that disk or directory and its extensions are searched. If the file mode is not specified or is specified as an asterisk (*), all accessed disks and directories are searched for the specified file.
- Creating new files
If the file mode is not specified, the editor assumes a file mode of A1.
- Editing existing files
- pathname
- is the name of the BFS file to be edited. See Understanding Byte File System (BFS) Path Name Syntax.
- WINdow wname
- is the name of the virtual screen and window XEDIT uses to display all files being edited in the
ring. By default, XEDIT uses the window and virtual screen named
. This option is ignored in a GUI environment.Note: The window name must not contain file name characters that are not valid. Also, CMS or WM cannot be used as the window name.For more information on virtual screens and windows, see Appendix G in z/VM: XEDIT Commands and Macros Reference.
- Width width
- defines the amount of virtual storage containing one line of the file. If the value specified is
too small, certain file lines may be truncated. If not specified here, WIDTH may be defined in the LOAD subcommand as a part of the profile. For SFS and minidisk files, if WIDTH is not specified in either the XEDIT command or the LOAD subcommand, the default is the larger of the following:
- Logical record length (LRECL) of the file
- Default logical record length associated with the file type. See Appendix A in z/VM: XEDIT Commands and Macros Reference for a list of these defaults.
For BFS files, if WIDTH is not specified in either the XEDIT command or the LOAD subcommand, the default depends upon the BFSLINE value.- For BFSLINE lrecl, the default is lrecl
- Otherwise, the default value is 80 or the length of the longest line, whichever is larger
- NOSCreen
- forces a 3270 display terminal into line (typewriter) mode. This option is ignored in a GUI environment.
- PROFile macroname
- If the specified macro exists on one of the accessed minidisks or SFS directories, the editor
executes it as the first subcommand. If the specified macro exists and is empty, an error message is
If the specified macro is not found on an accessed CMS disk or SFS directory, an error message is displayed.
If this option is not specified but a macro with a macro name of PROFILE exists, the editor executes it. If the macro exists and is empty, the macro is ignored.
The profile macro must always have a file type of XEDIT. The profile macro may not reside in the byte file system.
- forces the editor not to execute the default PROFILE macro.
- NOCLear
- specifies the screen is not cleared when the editor gets control. Instead, the screen is placed
in a
(waiting) status. Any messages remain on the screen until the CLEAR key is pressed. This option is useful when the XEDIT command is issued from a macro that displays messages. The option is ignored for the GUI window, it only affects an emulator session. - NOMsg
- enters a file with a default of SET MSGMODE OFF.
- MEMber membername
- is the name of a member in the macro library specified in fn
fm. If MEMBER is specified, ft must be MACLIB.
When the MEMBER option is specified, XEDIT scans the specified MACLIB to find the member. If the
member is found, XEDIT reads it into storage. If the member does not exist in that library, a new
member is created. The member is displayed with a file ID of membername
CMS supports SFS MACLIBs which do not have members; however, CMS does not support empty members. If the MACLIB file is empty, an error message is displayed.
MEMBER is ignored if you attempt to use it when editing a BFS file.
- LOCk
- causes the editor to lock an existing SFS file to prevent other users from modifying the file
while you are editing it, or causes the editor to obtain an advisory lock for an existing BFS file while it is being read into the XEDIT session.
Note that a BFS file does not remain locked while
in the session, and other users may choose to override an advisory lock.
The LOCK option is ignored for files on minidisks and files that reside in SFS directory control directories and files in NFS-mounted directories.
For files in SFS file control directories, you must have write authority to the file to lock it. If you have only read authority, a warning is displayed and the editing session continues without locking the file. LOCK is the default.
For SFS files, the type of lock XEDIT uses is an update session lock. The file is locked only for the duration of your editing session. Other users can read the file while it is locked, but only you can write to it.
- indicates you do not want the editor to try to lock the file.
- For SFS files:
- You can use this option to edit a file another user has locked SHARE or UPDATE. If you specify
NOLOCK, other users can change the file while you are editing it. NOLOCK is the default for files
that reside in SFS directory control directories.
You should only use this option if you are not going to make any changes to the file, or if you will save your changes under a different file identifier. Otherwise, any changes you make will not include modifications other users make to the permanent copy of the file during your editing session.
- For BFS files:
- The editor does not obtain an advisory lock while reading the file into the XEDIT session.
- NOUpdate
- specifies the editor is to apply no update statements (even if UPDATE is specified in the LOAD subcommand in the profile).
- Update
- The editor searches all accessed minidisks and SFS directories for a file with a file name of
fn and a file type of UPDATE. If the file exists, the editor applies the
update statements before displaying the file to be edited. Each modification the user makes is added
to the existing UPDATE file. The original source file is not modified.
If the file does not exist, the editor creates a new UPDATE file with a file mode of A1 to contain modifications the user makes. If the original source file (base file) is empty, an error message is displayed. If an update file is empty, an informational message is displayed. For more information on the XEDIT UPDATE option, see z/VM: CMS Application Development Guide.
UPDATE is ignored if you attempt to use it when editing a BFS file.
- BFSLine
- Use the BFSLINE option to tell XEDIT how to translate a BFS byte stream into records when reading the file into
virtual storage for editing and to set the initial setting of SET BFSLINE.
You can define an end of line character or characters for use in interpreting lines in a BFS file if you specify anything other than BFSLINE lrecl. When a file is read into an XEDIT session, everything up to the end of line character is interpreted as a line and presented as a 'record' in the XEDIT session. The end of line character is not displayed while XEDITing the BFS file. When a FILE, PUT, PUTD, or SAVE subcommand is entered for the file when it is being written back to a byte file system, the setting of SET BFSLINE is used to determine the end of line character that will be used. If the setting has not been changed from its initial value, the same end of line character that existed previously will be used. See the description for SET BFSLINE in z/VM: XEDIT Commands and Macros Reference for more information.
BFSLINE lrecl does not separate the file into records based on an end of line character.
The BFSLINE option determines the initial setting used for record format (RECFM). For BFSLINE lrecl, this initial setting is fixed (F). For any other BFSLINE value, it is variable (V). Changing this value while in an XEDIT session will affect the way the file is stored in the byte file system. See the SET RECFM command description in z/VM: XEDIT Commands and Macros Reference for more information.
If not specified, BFSLINE NL is the default.- NL
- indicates the new line character (X'15') should be used to delineate lines when reading or writing a BFS file.
- lrecl
- indicates the file should be treated as a fixed file, with no interpretation of records based on
end of line characters. When BFSLINE lrecl is in effect, the file is
presented as a fixed record format (RECFM=F) file with a logical record length (LRECL) equal to the
lrecl value. No end of line characters are removed from or added to the
file when it is read from or written back out to the byte file system if BFSLINE
lrecl is still in effect.
The last record will be padded with blanks if lrecl is greater than 1 and the last record does not completely fill the last logical record.
- indicates carriage return and line feed characters (X'0D25') should be used to delineate lines when reading or writing a BFS file.
- indicates carriage return and new line characters (X'0D15') should be used to delineate lines when reading or writing a BFS file.
- /string/
- allows the user to specify 1-2 characters that are used to delineate lines when reading or writing a BFS file. These characters are translated to uppercase before they are utilized. The slash character (/) may not be one of these characters (in other words, you cannot enter ///).
- /hexstring/
- specifies a hexadecimal string of 2 or 4 characters that defines the value to be used for BFSLINE. The hexstring must be in the format X'nnnn' or X'nn'. You must not specify any spaces in the string, and there must be 2 or 4 hexadecimal characters in the string.
- NAMetype
- Use the NAMETYPE option to specify whether the file ID will be interpreted to be in the form
used for CMS record files or in the form used for byte file system (BFS) files.
- Indicates file IDs will be interpreted to be CMS record files. They will be interpreted as fn ft fm. This is the default.
- Indicates file IDs will be interpreted as path names (pathname). If you are in a GUI environment and NAMETYPE BFS has been specified, the XEDIT file ID prompt is not displayed. Refer to Understanding Byte File System (BFS) Path Name Syntax for a description of the BFS path name syntax.
The following options are significant only if XEDIT is to be used in update mode, but they are ignored if NAMETYPE BFS is specified:
- Seq8
- specifies the entire sequence field (the last eight columns of each file line) contains an eight-digit sequence number. The SEQ8 option automatically forces the UPDATE option. The default value is SEQ8.
- NOSeq8
- specifies the last eight columns of the file line contain a three-character label field,
followed by a five-digit sequence number.
The NOSEQ8 option forces the UPDATE option.
- Ctl fn1
- specifies fn1 CNTRL is an update control file that controls the
application of multiple update files to the file to be edited. If the control file is empty, an
error message is displayed. (For more information on the CMS UPDATE command, see UPDATE.)
This option automatically forces the UPDATE and SEQ8 options.
A maximum of 32 unique AUX file names may be specified in fn1 CNTRL. If an auxiliary control file is empty, an informational message is displayed.
- NOCtl
- specifies the editor is not to use the control (CTL) file (even if it is specified in the LOAD subcommand in the profile).
- Merge
- specifies all the updates made through the control file and all the changes made while editing
will be written into the file whose name is defined by the latest update level (that is, the most
recently applied UPDATE file in a control file). This option forces the UPDATE option. Note: The update file resulting from the merge may have different sequence numbers than if the updates were applied individually.
- UNtil ft1
- specifies the file type of the last update to be applied to the file. Changes are applied to the
file being edited from all file types in the control file, up to and including the file type
specified with the UNTIL option.
With the UNTIL option, you can specify file types of update files listed in the control file or of update files listed in an auxiliary control file. Do not specify AUX file types (AUXxxxxx) with the UNTIL option.
The UNTIL option forces the UPDATE option.
- Incr incr
- When inserting new lines in an update file, the editor automatically computes the serialization; the INCR option forces a minimum increment between two adjacent lines. If this option is not specified, the minimum increment is 1. This option forces the UPDATE option.
- SIDcode string
- specifies a string the editor inserts in every line of an update file, whether the update file
is being created or is an existing file. The editor inserts the specified string in the first eight
columns of the last 17 columns of the file line (lrecl-16 to lrecl-9). For example, if you have a
file with fixed, 80-character lines, the editor inserts the string in columns 64 through 71. If the
string is fewer than eight characters, it is padded on the right with blanks. Any data in the eight
columns is overlaid.
This option forces the UPDATE option.
Usage Notes
- To use XEDIT on a file in an SFS directory, the directory must be accessed and you must have
authorization to access the file. For a file in an SFS file control directory, you must have either
read or write authority. For files in SFS directory control directories, you must have either
directory read or directory write authority for the directory in which the file resides. For more
information on SFS directories and authorizations, see z/VM: CMS User's Guide.
To use XEDIT on a BFS file, you must have permission to access the file. For more information on the OPENVM PERMIT command, see z/VM: OpenExtensions Commands Reference or enter HELP OPENVM PERMIT.
- When the LOCK option is in effect for an SFS file, it is possible for the lock to be removed
during your edit session if one of the following abnormal errors occurs:
- File pool server failure
- Network or Advanced Program-to-Program Communications/VM (APPC/VM) failure on the last data link with the file pool server
- Your virtual machine abends or is re-IPLed
Note: If an abend occurs, the update session lock obtained by XEDIT will be deleted if sufficient storage is available for this additional processing. - To change files in an SFS directory control directory, you must access the directory in
read/write mode. Because CMS lets only one user at a time access an SFS directory control directory
in read/write mode, no one can change a file while you are editing it.
You can use XEDIT on files within a directory control directory that is accessed in read-only mode. No warning message is displayed, but because the directory is accessed in read-only mode, you cannot change the copy of the file in the directory by using XEDIT subcommands such as FILE and SAVE. To save the changes, you must save or file the file on a minidisk or directory you have accessed in read/write mode.
To change files in a file control directory, you can access the directory in either read-only or read-write mode. (By default, when you access someone else's directory, the access mode is read-only.) To have XEDIT respect the read-only access for file control directories regardless of your file authority, use the CMS SET RORESPECT ON command. (See SET RORESPECT for an explanation of this command.)
- The CMS RORESPECT setting may be used to prevent XEDIT from writing to a file control directory accessed read-only. To prevent XEDIT from locking a file in the directory so others may write to it, you may query the CMS setting and issue a LOAD subcommand with the NOLOCK option from your profile.
- If you XEDIT an SFS or BFS file that has been migrated (moved to DFSMS/VM-owned storage), it is automatically recalled if the CMS SET RECALL command is set to ON. For more information, see SET RECALL. This may cause a slight delay before the file can be accessed. If CMS SET RECALL is OFF the file will not be recalled and an error message will be displayed.
- For the PROFILE, CTL, SIDCODE, INCR, UNTIL, MEMBER, WIDTH, WINDOW, BFSLINE, and NAMETYPE options, the operand must be specified; otherwise, the next option is interpreted as its operand. For example, in the PROFILE macroname option, macroname must be specified; if it is not, the next option is interpreted as the operand macroname.
- Once the XEDIT command has been executed, the XEDIT subcommand can be used to edit and display multiple files simultaneously (see the XEDIT subcommand in z/VM: XEDIT Commands and Macros Reference).
- You can also call the editor recursively (that is, using the CMS XEDIT command). This ability is
particularly useful when applications are developed using the editor and its macro facilities to
interface with the user, for example, HELP.
When you call CMS XEDIT recursively, a new ring of files is begun that is independent of any previous ring(s).
- The MEMBER option and the NOUPDATE option have no effect when preceded by an option that automatically forces update processing. Also, options that usually force update processing are ignored when the MEMBER option or the NOUPDATE option precedes them.
- If full-screen CMS is set ON before XEDIT writes to the screen, XEDIT issues the WINDOW SHOW CMSOUT command followed by WINDOW SHOW XEDIT or a WINDOW SHOW for the particular window that has been set up to display the file.
- The editor is kept in virtual storage as part of the CMS nucleus shared segment; the CMS user area is unused. As a result, assuming a large enough virtual machine, any CMS or CP command may be issued directly from the editor environment itself (if a SET IMPCMSCP subcommand is in effect).
- When an XEDIT command invokes the PROFILE macro, everything following the command name XEDIT is
tokenized (truncated to eight characters), and then assigned to the argument string passed to the
PROFILE macro as the first parameter.
The editor does not examine any parameters that follow a closing right parenthesis on the XEDIT command.
When you specify the NAMETYPE BFS option on the XEDIT command, your profile is called as a REXX function, and the untokenized, mixed case file ID (shown below as fileid2) is passed unchanged as a second argument string.
Note: The second parameter (fileid2) is still enclosed in quotation marks if that is the way it was entered.This is useful when editing a BFS file because the path name may be up to 1023 bytes long, is case sensitive, and may contain blanks and other special characters, such as quotation marks. The XEDIT profile must be in REXX, not in EXEC or EXEC2, when the NAMETYPE BFS option is used. The return code is set to RC=5 if the profile returns a result that is not valid.
Whether or not NAMETYPE BFS is specified, special substitution is done for a file ID enclosed in quotation marks. It is assumed this is a BFS path name containing special characters such as blanks or a (, and a place holder, the character ‘*’, is substituted in its place in the argument list for the first argument string so the profile option processing works correctly.
An example of a way to obtain these argument strings from within your profile when the NAMETYPE BFS option is used is:
In the example above, fileid1 can be:PARSE ARG fileid1 ft fm '(' OPTIONS , fileid2
- The file name for a CMS file
- A path name for a BFS file that does not contain any blanks or special characters
- A placeholder for a file ID enclosed in quotation marks on the command invocation
- When you enter an XEDIT command for an SFS or minidisk variable-format file, trailing blanks are
removed when it is filed (or saved).
When the record format is variable (V) for a BFS file, trailing blanks are removed when it is filed (or saved), and a line containing all blanks is represented in the file as two BFSLINE values in a row. (The initial record format setting for a BFS file depends upon the BFSLINE option. For the BFSLINE option description, see the BFSLine option. on the XEDIT command for more information.
- Update control comment records cannot be edited when the UPDATE option is in effect. Edit the update file without specifying any update options to change these records.
- Many languages have more characters than can be displayed using one-byte codes (KANJI, for
example). A Double-byte Character Set (DBCS) represents these characters. The double-byte characters
can appear in a sentence with characters from other languages that are displayed in 1-byte codes.
Files containing double-byte characters are handled differently from files that contain only 1-byte
When specifying a BFSLINE value for use on files containing DBCS characters, ensure you use a value that will not conflict with DBCS characters. The hexadecimal code for a DBCS character must be X'0000', X'4040', or X'aabb', with aa and bb both being in the range of X'41' to X'FE'.
- The virtual storage required to edit a ring of one or more files is greater than the size of the files themselves. This includes storage necessary to manage the ring, the lines, the display, and other internal XEDIT storage needs.
- Unless BFSLINE lrecl is in effect when you XEDIT a BFS file, a blank line is inserted if two BFSLINE values are found in a row.
- The BFSLINE setting has no effect when a PUT, PUTD, GET, FILE, SAVE, or LOAD subcommand reads or writes a CMS record file when NAMETYPE CMS is in effect.
- The BFSLINE option can also be used on the XEDIT subcommand from within an XEDIT session. For
example, a user can enter:
and then enterXEDIT a a a
on the XEDIT command line.XEDIT pathname (BFSLINE NL NAMETYPE BFS
- Commit behavior of BFS files is different
from that of SFS or minidisk files. For example, if the editor encounters an error when writing to a
minidisk or SFS file, your changes are reversed and the original file is preserved. This is not the
case for BFS files. The editor creates a copy of
the file in XEDTEMP CMSUT1 on your A disk so you can recover your data if an error occurs when
writing the file to the byte file system. If the editor is unable to create the XEDTEMP CMSUT1 file, you will receive a message describing the problem, and a second message:
595E Not able to create CMS file used for recovery. Correct error or QQUIT to exit without writing file
If the editor encounters an error while writing the byte file system file such that the contents of an existing file are damaged, you will receive a message describing the problem, and a second message to tell you that you must take action to recover your file.024E File XEDTEMP CMSUT1 A1 contains file contents; use OPENVM PUT to recover file
- When a new BFS file is created, the owning UID established is the effective UID of the VM User ID on which the request was issued. The GID is the GID of the parent directory. Use OPENVM OWNER to change the defaults. Refer to z/VM: OpenExtensions Commands Reference or enter HELP OPENVM OWNER for more information.
- Permissions for a new BFS file are set based on the current value of the mask, with the exception of execute permissions, which are not set to ON. Use OPENVM PERMIT to change the defaults. For more information on these OPENVM commands, see z/VM: OpenExtensions Commands Reference or enter HELP OPENVM.
- You can XEDIT path names only if they represent BFS regular files.
- When you are in a GUI environment, initially the GUI windows for rings are arbitrarily
positioned on the workstation screen. You cannot control the initial position. However, you can move
the windows once they are displayed using workstation controls such as a pointing device or keys.
The initial size of your GUI XEDIT window is determined by your terminal emulator session setting. The window can be resized to a smaller size by using workstation controls to move the borders.
When using XEDIT to edit a file in a GUI environment, the title bar of the GUI window contains the word "XEDIT".
Note: It is recommended the workstation agent be configured to use a non-proportional font. If you elect to use proportional fonts in your xedit session, columns and rows may not appear to line up. - Typically you would use the default BFSLINE option when XEDITing a file in an NFS-mounted file
If the NFS-mounted file system is a minidisk or SFS directory, you must coordinate XEDIT's BFSLINE option with the VMNFS server options specified on the mount. This is necessary because the NFS-mounted file is changed into byte-stream format when read by XEDIT, and changed back into record format when written to the minidisk or SFS directory through NFS.
If the remote CMS file is a Variable file, you could use lines=NL on the mount and the default BFSLINES NL in the XEDIT options. If the remote CMS file is a Fixed file, you could specify lines=none in the mount options and BFSLINES lrecl in the XEDIT options.
1299W Warning: not authorized to lock fn ft fm
editing session continues but the file is not locked.178I Updating fn ft fm
Applying fn ft fm
1229I fn ft fm is empty
180W Missing PTF file fn ft fm
If the XEDIT work file, XEDTEMP CMSUT1, exists on a file mode accessed R/W as a result of a previous
edit session that ended abnormally, you will receive the message:
024E File XEDTEMP CMSUT1 fm already exists
can use the CMS TYPE command to examine the existing file. If you decide you want to keep it, use
the CMS RENAME command to give it a new CMS file ID, or use OPENVM PUTBFS to move it into the byte
file system. Refer to z/VM: OpenExtensions Commands Reference or enter HELP OPENVM PUTBFS for more information on this command. If the file is incorrect or
incomplete, erase it and enter the command again.556I Editing existing empty file:
If you are in a GUI environment and fn ft are not specified for a CMS file, the XEDIT File ID window is displayed.
Messages and Return Codes
- DMS002E File fn ft fm not found [RC=28]
- DMS003E Invalid option: option [RC=24]
- DMS024E File XEDTEMP CMSUT1 fm already exists [RC=28]
- DMS029E Invalid parameter parameter in the option option field [RC=24]
- DMS033E File is not a regular BFS file [RC=32]
- DMS048E Invalid filemode mode [RC=24]
- DMS054E Incomplete [or incorrect] fileid specified [RC=24]
- DMS062E Invalid character in fileid {fn ft fm|pathname} [RC=20]
- DMS065E option option specified twice [RC=24]
- DMS066E option1 and option2 are conflicting options [RC=24]
- DMS069E Filemode mode not accessed [RC=36]
- DMS070E Invalid parameter parameter [RC=24]
- DMS104S Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC=31, 55, or 100]
- DMS109S Virtual storage capacity exceeded [RC=104]
- DMS132S File [fn ft fm] too large[: pathname] [RC=88]
- DMS137S Error nn on STATE for fn ft fm [RC=88]
- DMS229E Unsupported OS dataset, error nn [RC=80, 81, 82, or 83]
- DMS500E Unable to unpack file fn ft fm [RC=88]
- DMS508E LOAD must be the first subcommand in the profile [RC=3]
- DMS512E This is not allowed in CMS subset mode [RC=100]
- DMS554E Not enough virtual storage available [RC=104]
- DMS556I Editing existing empty file:
- DMS571I Creating new file:
- DMS622E Insufficient free storage (for {MSGLINE|PFkey/PAkey|synonyms})
- DMS915E Maximum number of windows already defined [RC=13]
- DMS927E The virtual screen must contain at least 5 lines and 20 columns [RC=24]
- DMS928E Command is not valid for virtual screen CMS [RC=12]
- DMS1019E Network File System name is not allowed
- DMS1020E Foreign host cannot be reached. The request returned return code rc and reason code rs
- DMS1138E File sharing conflict for file {fn ft fm|pathname] [RC=70]
- DMS1214W File fn ft fm already locked SHARE
- DMS1215E File fn ft fm is locked or in use by another user [RC=70]
- DMS1229E fn ft fm is empty [RC=88]
- DMS1229I fn ft fm is empty
- DMS1262S Error nn opening file fn ft fm [RC=31, 55, 70, 76, 99, or 100]
- DMS1299W Warning: Not authorized to lock file fn ft fm
- DMS1300E Error nn {locking|unlocking} file fn ft {fm|dirname} [RC=55, 70, 76, 99, or 100]
- DMS2105E Permission is denied [24]
- DMS2134E Return code bpxrc and reason code bpxrs given on call to rtnname [for path name pathname] [RC=100]
- DMS2154E File {fn ft fm|pathname} is migrated and implicit RECALL is set to OFF [RC=50]
- DMS2155E DFSMS/VM error occurred during creation or recall of file {fn ft fm|pathname} [RC=51]
- DMS2526E File or directory creation or file recall was rejected by a DFSMS/VM ACS routine; ACS routine return code acs rcode [RC=51]
Messages with Member Options:
- DMS007E File fn ft fm is not fixed, 80-character records [RC=32]
- DMS033E File fn ft fm is not a library [RC=32]
- DMS039E No entries in library fn ft fm [RC=32]
- DMS167S Previous MACLIB function not finished [RC=88]
- DMS622E Insufficient free storage for reading map [RC=104]
Messages with Update Option:
- DMS007E File fn ft fm is not fixed, 80-character records [RC=32]
- DMS007E File fn ft fm does not have a logical record length greater than or equal to 80 [RC=32]
- DMS007E File fn ft fm does not have the same format and record length as fn ft fm [RC=32]
- DMS007E File fn ft fm is not fixed record format [RC=32]
- DMS104S Error nn reading file fn ft fm from disk or directory [RC=31, 32, or 55]
- DMS174W Sequence error introduced in output file: seqno1 to seqno2 [RC=32]
- DMS178I Applying fn ft fm
- DMS179E Missing or invalid MACS card in control file fn ft fm
- DMS180W Missing PTF file fn ft fm
- DMS183E Invalid {CONTROL|AUX} file control card [RC=32]
- DMS184W ./ S not first card in update file--ignored [RC=32]
- DMS185W Non numeric character in sequence field seqno [RC=32]
- DMS186W Sequence number not found [RC=32]
- DMS207W Invalid update file control card [RC=32]
- DMS210W Input file sequence error: seqno1 to seqno2 [RC=32]
- DMS317E Number of AUX file types in control file fn ft fm exceeds 32 [RC=32]
- DMS570W Update ft specified in the UNTIL option field not found
- DMS597E Unable to merge updates containing ./ S cards [RC=32]
- DMS1262S Error nn opening file fn ft fm [RC=31, 55, 70, 76, 99, or 100]
Return codes:
- RC
- Meaning
- 0
- Normal
- 3
- LOAD must be the first subcommand
- 6
- Subcommand rejected in the profile due to LOAD error, or QUIT subcommand has been issued in a macro called from the last file in the ring
- 12
- Command is not valid for virtual screen
- 13
- Maximum number of windows already defined
- 20
- A character in the file name, file type, or path name is not valid
- 24
- Not valid parameters or options
- 28
- Source file not found (UPDATE MODE), or library not found (MEMBER option), or specified PROFILE macro does not exist, or file XEDTEMP CMSUT1 already exists
- 31
- A rollback occurred
- 32
- Error during updating process, or file is not a library, or library has no entries, or file is not fixed, 80 character records, or maximum number of AUX file types exceeded, or BFS file is not a regular file, or Network File System path name cannot be used
- 36
- Corresponding minidisk or directory not accessed
- 50
- File is DFSMS/VM migrated and automatic recall has been set to OFF (CMS SET RECALL command)
- 51
- DFSMS/VM error
- 55
- APPC/VM communications error or TCP/IP communications error
- 70
- File sharing conflict or the minidisk file being opened is already open using CSL interfaces of DMSOPEN or DMSOPDBK
- 76
- Connection error
- 80
- An I/O error occurred while an OS data set or DOS file was being read or an OS or DOS disk was detached without being released
- 81
- The file is an OS read-password-protected data set or a DOS file with the input security indicator on
- 82
- The OS data set or DOS file is not BPAM, BSAM, or QSAM
- 83
- The OS data set or DOS file has more than 16 user labels or data extents
- 88
- File is too large and does not fit into storage, a previous MACLIB function was not finished, or an unsupported function was attempted with an empty file
- 99
- A required system resource is not available
- 100
- Error reading the file into storage
- 104
- Insufficient storage available