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Privilege Class: A, C


Use the SET SHUTDOWNTIME command to specify the CP shutdown interval. The CP shutdown interval is the time that is reserved for CP to shut down when a SHUTDOWN command is issued or the entire z/VM system shuts down automatically as the result of receiving a hardware deactivation signal.

The SET SHUTDOWNTIME command specifies how much of the entire z/VM system-shutdown interval is reserved for CP shutdown. The entire z/VM system-shutdown interval might also include a shutdown-signal timeout interval, which provides time for guest operating systems to shut down. A shutdown-signal timeout interval occurs only if the CP shutdown interval is less than the entire z/VM system-shutdown interval.


specifies the amount of time that is reserved for a CP shutdown to be completed. The value specifies the number of seconds in the range 0 - 32767.

If the CP shutdown time is not specified in the SET SHUTDOWNTIME system configuration statement or by issuing the SET SHUTDOWNTIME command, the default is 30 seconds.

Usage Notes

  1. The CP shutdown interval is an estimation of the time that CP requires to complete an orderly CP shutdown. If CP requires more time to shut down, the actual interval can be longer.
  2. The SET SHUTDOWNTIME command dynamically overrides the specified or default value of the SET SHUTDOWNTIME system configuration statement, or the value specified on a previous SET SHUTDOWNTIME command for the current system IPL.
  3. The interval that is specified on this command can affect the interval that is designated for the entire z/VM system shutdown process.
    If the CP SHUTDOWN command is issued without a WITHIN, BY, or IMMEDIATE operand, the start of the CP shutdown process can be delayed. The start of the CP shutdown process is delayed until the system-default shutdown-signal timeout interval elapses or until all signaled guests indicate that they shut down, whichever occurs first. The time that is designated for the entire z/VM system to shut down is the sum of the system-default shutdown-signal timeout interval and the CP shutdown interval. The entire z/VM system shutdown can take less time than the sum of the system-default shutdown-signal timeout interval and the CP shutdown interval if one or both of the following conditions occur:
    • All signal-enabled guests shut down before the system-default shutdown-signal timeout interval elapses.
    • The CP shutdown process finishes in less time than is reserved by the CP SET SHUTDOWNTIME specification.

    Use caution when you specify the WITHIN, BY, or IMMEDIATE operand on the SHUTDOWN command. The WITHIN, BY, or IMMEDIATE operand specifies the time interval for the entire z/VM system shutdown. The actual shutdown-signal timeout interval is the difference between the entire z/VM system shutdown interval and the CP shutdown interval. The actual shutdown-signal timeout interval might not provide guests with enough time to complete an orderly shutdown.

    For examples of the interaction between the SHUTDOWN command timing operands, the CP shutdown interval, and the system-default shutdown-signal timeout interval, see Examples in the SHUTDOWN command topic.

    • The system-default shutdown-signal timeout interval is specified by the SET SIGNAL SHUTDOWNTIME command or system configuration statement. For information about the system-default shutdown-signal timeout interval, see SET SIGNAL.
    • The CP shutdown interval is specified by the SET SHUTDOWNTIME command or system configuration statement.
  4. When a CP shutdown occurs due to a hardware deactivation, if the SHUTDOWNTIME is more than 300 seconds (5 minutes), there is not time for guests to shut down.


  • HCP002E Invalid operand - operand
  • HCP003E Invalid option - command contains extra option(s) starting with option
  • HCP6704E Missing token at end of line
  • HCP6706E Invalid string - string
  • HCP6706E Invalid time - time