Privilege Class: B
Use QUERY CACHE to display caching status for all storage subsystems that support caching.
- rdev
- rdev1-rdev2
- is the real device number of one of the devices in the subsystem, a range of real device numbers, or any combination thereof.
Usage Notes
- When the cache is queried for a range of devices or a list of devices attached to an IBM® DASD storage controller and the devices in the range or list
are attached to the same storage controller, only one subsystem response is issued for each storage
controller. For example, to display the caching status for the cache associated with device 340, enter:
query cache 340
- Caching for RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) technology DASD such as an IBM DASD subsystem is always available. It cannot be modified by the user.
- Error message HCP296E appears if the subsystem is not in the correct mode to accept the QUERY CACHE command.
- This command may be issued to offline devices.
Response 1:
rdev CACHE {available for subsystem}
{activation for subsystem in progress}
{unavailable for subsystem}
[- destage is in progress ]
[- destage has failed. Data is pinned.]
[- subsystem error ]
ccccccccK Bytes configured
aaaaaaaaK Bytes available
ooooooooK Bytes offline
ppppppppK Bytes pinned
is the response for each IBM DASD subsystem.If the cache is unavailable:
Destage is in progress
is included in the response if the storage control is still in the process of moving changed data from the cache to the backing storage device.- If an error is encountered during the destaging process,
destage has failed. Data is pinned.
is displayed and the data that encountered the failure is held in the storage control cache. Subsystem error
is included if an internal subsystem error occurred which caused termination of caching.
rdev CACHE {activated for device }
{deactivated for device }
{deactivation for device is pending.
Destage has failed.}
[rdev has pinned data]
is the response for each device specified in the command; if pinned data exists for the device. The
variables rdev, cccccccc, and
aaaaaaaa are the same as in Response 1.- pppppppp
- is the size in kilobytes of subsystem storage that is not available to the storage director for allocation because of DASD exception conditions which prevent successful completion of a subsystem storage to DASD transfer.
Note: cccccccc, aaaaaaaa, oooooooo, and pppppppp
are displayed in decimal.
Response 2:
{available }
Bytes {unavailable} cannot be determined
{offline }
{bound }
{pinned }
is displayed if the storage control is unable to determine the subsystem storage capacity.Messages
- HCP006E Invalid device type - {rdev|vdev|ldev}
- HCP009E Invalid range - range
- HCP021E A real device number was not supplied or it is invalid.
- HCP026E Operand missing or invalid
- HCP040E Device {rdev|vdev|ldev} does not exist
- HCP296E Status is not as required - rdev; text
- HCP319E Error processing subsystem command - cmd for DASD rdev
- HCP332E Invalid control unit type - rdev
- HCP1120E The requested [command|DETACH|GIVE] for device [ldev|rdev] did not complete in the allotted time.
- HCP1150E DASD {rdev|vdev} is not a valid base exposure.
- HCP2600I DASD rdev subsystem storage status cannot be determined.
- HCP6867E Device rdev is an alias HyperParallel Access Volume.