Privilege Class: C, E
Use LOCATE XITBK to display the address of the CP exit block for a specific exit point.
- exit
- exit1-exit2
- is the number of the CP exit block whose address you want to display. The exit number must be a hexadecimal number between X'0000' and X'FFFF'. You can specify a single exit number, a range of exit numbers, or any combination thereof.
Usage Notes
- CP creates CP exit blocks for exit points when you issue the ASSOCIATE EXIT command (see ASSOCIATE EXIT) to associate one or more
entry point names or external symbols with that exit point. If no one issued the ASSOCIATE EXIT
command, there is no CP exit block for CP to locate and CP issues error message HCP2752E.
After creating a CP exit block, CP will not erase that CP exit block until the next IPL. Disabling the exit point affects certain fields in the CP exit block, but does not erase it. Disassociating the entry point names and external symbols erases those fields in the CP exit block, but does not erase the CP exit block itself.
- To display status and usage statistics information about a specific exit point, use the QUERY EXITS command (see QUERY EXITS).
- To display the address of the CP indirect call locator block for a specific exit point, use the LOCATE ICLBK command (see LOCATE ICLBK).
- For more information about user-defined exit points, see z/VM: CP Exit Customization.
Response 1:
nnnn nnnnnnnn
- Exit
- shows the exit number (exit point) you specified, or an exit number included in a range you specified.
- shows the host logical storage address of the CP exit block for that exit number.
Example 1:
To display the address of the CP exit block for exit point X'070C', enter the following:
locate xitbk 70c
070C 005234C8
Example 2:
To display the addresses of the CP exit blocks for exit points X'0005' and
X'F000', enter the following:
locate xitbk f000 5
F000 01F101C8
0005 061E19C8
- HCP003E Invalid option - command contains extra option(s) starting with option
- HCP026E Operand missing or invalid
- HCP2752E Exit number exit does not exist
- HCP2752E Exit numbers exit1-exit2 do not exist
- HCP6706E Invalid CP Exit number - exit