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  • 1 At least one blank should appear between the first and second operands.


Privilege Class: G


Use DISPLAY PSW to see the program status word of your virtual machine.


displays the current values and interruption code information for the current PSW and all old and new interrupt PSWs (except RESTART).
displays the current values and appropriate interruption code information for both the new and old PSWs specified—that is, external, SVC, program check, machine check, and I/O.

Usage Notes

  1. The DISPLAY PSW command is valid for a z/Architecture® or z/XC virtual machine only if SET PSWTRANS (with ALL or DISPLAY option) has been issued previously.
  2. DISPLAY PSW ALL displays the PSW as a 128-bit PSW for z/Architecture and z/XC virtual machines.
  3. For a z/Architecture or z/XC virtual machine, the PSW is 128 bits to accommodate 64-bit instruction addresses. An expanded PSW is labeled in the command output as "PSWG". The SET PSWTRANS command allows the PSWs from a z/Architecture or z/XC virtual machine to be shown and manipulated in the 64-bit ESA/390 format.
    When the DISPLAY PSW command is issued from a z/Architecture or z/XC virtual machine (with a previous SET PSWTRANS ALL/DISPLAY issued), the 128-bit z/Architecture format PSW must be converted to a 64-bit ESA/390 format PSW. This conversion is done as follows:
    • bits 0-31 are set to bits 0-31 of the z/Architecture or z/XC PSW with bit 12 set to 1 and bit 31 set to 0.
    • bits 33-63 of the PSW are set to bits 97-127 of the z/Architecture or z/XC PSW. If bits 64-95 of the z/Architecture or z/XC PSW are not 0, the PSW is flagged as non-translatable.
    • bit 32 is set as follows:
      • if bits 31 and 32 of the z/Architecture or z/XC PSW are both 1, the PSW is flagged as non-translatable
      • if bits 31 and 32 of the z/Architecture or z/XC PSW are both 0, bit 32 of the ESA/390 PSW is set to 0
      • if bit 31 of the z/Architecture or z/XC PSW is 0 and bit 32 is 1, bit 32 of the ESA/390 PSW is set to 1.


Response 1:

The command DISPLAY PSW with no other options displays the current PSW. This is the response you receive on ESA/390 and ESA/XC virtual machines:

PSW = 03E40000 8003010C 

Response 2:

The command DISPLAY PSW with no other options displays the current PSW. This is the response you receive on z/Architecture and z/XC virtual machines:

PSW = 03EC0000 8003010C  PSWG = 03E40000 80000000 00000000 0003010C

Response 3:

The command DISPLAY PSW with no other options displays the current PSW. If the current PSW for a guest machine cannot be converted to a 64-bit PSW, then this is the response that you receive on z/Architecture and z/XC virtual machines:

PSW = NON TRANSLATABLE   PSWG = 03E40000 80000000 00000000 0003010C

Response 4:

The command DISPLAY PSW ALL displays the old and new PSWs and expands the interruption code into four hexadecimal digits in front of the old PSWs. nnnn represents the EC-mode interruption code. The numbers 18, 20, 28… are storage locations. Each xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx represents the content of a PSW. This is the response you receive on ESA/390 and ESA/XC virtual machines:
PSW = xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
EXT nnnn 18 OLD xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 58 NEW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
SVC nnnn 20 OLD xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 60 NEW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
PRG nnnn 28 OLD xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 68 NEW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
MCH nnnn 30 OLD xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 70 NEW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
I/O nnnn 38 OLD xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 78 NEW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

Response 5:

The command DISPLAY PSW ALL displays the old and new PSWs and expands the interruption code into four hexadecimal digits in front of the old PSWs. nnnn represents the interruption code. The numbers 130, 140, 150, … are storage locations. Each xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx represents the content of a PSW. This is the response that you receive on z/Architecture and z/XC virtual machines.
PSW = 03EC0000 8003010C  PSWG = 03E40000 80000000 00000000 0003010C
EXT nnnn 130 OLD xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
         1B0 NEW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
SVC nnnn 140 OLD xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
         1C0 NEW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
PRG nnnn 150 OLD xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
         1D0 NEW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
MCH nnnn 160 OLD xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
         1E0 NEW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
I/O nnnn 170 OLD xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
         1F0 NEW xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx