IPLing z/VM from an SCSI device

When IPLing z/VM® from an SCSI device, the following parameters need to be entered in the HMC Load window

  1. Select the radio button for SCSI.
  2. In the Load address field, enter the address of the FCP device (that is, the FCP address, not the EDEV address) used to define the residence volume for the system you are IPLing.
  3. In the Load parameter field, enter the address of your system console – either SYSG for the Integrated 3270 Console on the HMC, or some other address (for example, 20) that represents your system console.
  4. In the Worldwide port name field, enter the worldwide port name (WWPN) used to define the residence volume for the system you are IPLing.
  5. In the Logical unit number field, enter the 16-character logical unit number (LUN) of the residence volume for the system you are IPLing.
  6. In the Boot program selector field, enter 0 (zero).
  7. In the Boot record logical block address field, enter the 16-character value 00000000000000C8.
  8. Click OK. Confirmation prompts will be displayed.
Once you have confirmed your IPL, the z/VM Stand Alone Program Loader (SAPL) panel will be displayed on the console that you specified.
  1. Verify that your FCP device address is displayed in the DEVICE NUMBER field.
  2. In the IPL PARAMETERS area, enter cons= followed by your console address, and pdvol= followed by the EDEVICE number used to define the residence volume for the system you are IPLing.
  3. When you have entered all your data, press F10 to complete your IPL.