ZRECP PROFILE: Option table input message driver

Use this command to display or set your recoup run-time options.

Last updated

  • Changed in 2022.
  • Changed in 2021.
  • Changed in 2020.
  • Changed for PUT08.
  • Changed for PUT04.
  • Changed for PUT00.

Requirements and restrictions

Some options, as noted in the parameter descriptions, cannot be changed while recoup is running. If the parameter description does not specify a restriction, that option can be changed at any time.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramZRECP PROFILE DISPLAYRecoup options
Recoup options
Displays the recoup option table.
Specifies one of the following values:
Specifies that all IDs are to be written to the RCP tape.
Specifies that no IDs are to be written to the RCP tape.
A continuous list of 1- to 10-character IDs that are to be written to the RCP tape. The following example shows the RCP parameter with two IDs in character format:
Specifies the specific hexadecimal IDs that are to be written to the RCP tape, where hexids is a continuous list of 1- to 10-hexadecimal IDs. The following example shows the RCP parameter with two IDs in hexadecimal format:
Specifies one of the following values:
Specifies that errors are to be written to the RCP tape.
Specifies that errors are to be written to both an online file and the RCP tape.
Specifies the timeout value for directory capture and initialization operations, where dirtim is the number of seconds in the range of 0–99999.
Specifies one of the following values:
Specifies that items are to be logged to a file.
Note: If the z/TPF system is in 1052 state during recoup processing, items are logged to the ADR tape even if NO was specified.
Specifies that items are to be logged to the ADR tape.
Note: You cannot change the value of this parameter at any time during recoup processing after you enter the ZRECP START command.
Specifies the number of bytes to be written for each ADR item, where adrnum is a decimal value in the range 0–9999.
Note: You cannot change the value of this parameter at any time during recoup processing after you enter the ZRECP START command.
Specifies the number of broken chains to be logged, where bchmax is a decimal value in the range 0–99999999. This includes both fixed errors and timeout errors. Fixed errors continue to be logged until both BCHMAX and FIXERMAX values are exceeded. However, timeout errors are always logged regardless of whether the BCHMAX or FIXERMAX values have been exceeded.
Specifies the number of fixed errors to report to the computer room agent set (CRAS) per record ID, where fixermax is a decimal value in the range 0–9999. This paramer also defines how many fixed errors will be written to the online error log after the BCHMAX limit is exceeded.
Specifies the maximum number of pool records that are used to log phase 3 erroneously available (EA) pool files, where eamax is a decimal value in the range 0–99999999.
Specifies the number of z/TPF collection support (z/TPFCS) errors to report to the CRAS for each data store, where cserrmax is a decimal value in the range 0–9999. If you specify a value of zero, recoup processing reports all errors.
Specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds for all ECBs to complete processing a z/TPFCS data store chain chase before timeout processing starts, where cstimeout is a timeout value in the range 0–9999. The individual z/TPFCS timeout for the data store chain chase is reset each time a new z/TPFCS chain chase ECB is created. If you specify a value of zero, recoup will not check for a timeout condition.

If you receive a warning message that indicates a specific chain chase is about to time out, you can enter the ZRECP TIMEOUT command to extend this timeout value.

Specifies one of the following values:
Specifies that status messages will be displayed on the console while recoup phase 1 is running.
Specifies that status messages will not be displayed on the console while recoup phase 1 is running.
Note: If STATUSCON-NO is specified, status messages will still be routed to the real-time database services (RDBS) function support console (FSC) unless FSC-NO is also specified.
Specifies the number of file addresses to be logged, where refmax is any decimal value in the range 0 - 99999999.
Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous ECBs to use for directory capture and initialization operations, where dirmecb is a decimal value in the range of 10–199.
Specifies the initial value for the maximum number of recoup ECBs that can be active simultaneously during recoup phase 1, where level is a decimal value in the range 0–9999. Use the ZRECP LEVEL command to change the value that is used during a particular recoup phase 1 run.
  • You cannot specify a value that exceeds the maximum number that is calculated internally by subtracting the shutdown level that is defined for resource priority class IBMBATCH from the number of ECBs currently allocated for the z/TPF system.
  • After you enter the ZRECP RECALL command, you cannot change the value of this parameter at any time during recoup processing.
  • The ZRECP LEVEL command does not change the initial value that is set by this parameter.
  • If you set the STARTLVL parameter to 0, recoup phase 1 is placed in a paused or deferred state.
Specifies the number of seconds after the initial timeout notification that a chain chase must complete processing, where timeout is a number in the range 0–999.

If you receive a warning message that indicates a specific chain chase is about to time out, you can enter the ZRECP TIMEOUT command to extend this timeout value.

Specifies one of the following values:
Performs no logging.
Logs deactivation reference-from file addresses up to the maximum allowed number into the SRM61A8 database, and updates the ID counts in the recoup deactivated ID table for records that were discovered during recoup phase 1 chain chase and reside in a deactivated pool segment.
Logs FARF3 reference-from file addresses.
Logs FARF4 reference-from file addresses.
Logs FARF5 reference-from file addresses.
Logs FARF6 reference-from file addresses.
Specifies one of the following values:
Specifies that recoup status messages are sent to the real-time database services (RDBS) function support console (FSC) that was defined by the ZACRS command.
Specifies that recoup status messages will not be sent to the RDBS FSC, but will be sent to the default receive-only (RO) FSC.
Specifies one of the following values:
Specifies that you want to run recoup as a normal priority utility.
Note: If the -LP prefix is specified on the ZRECP RECALL command, the -LP prefix will take priority and recoup will be run as a low priority utility. For more information about prefixing, see Prefixing commands.
Specifies that you want to run recoup as a low priority utility.
Specifies one of the following values:
Disables z/TPFDF recoup optimized chain chasing during this recoup run. All chain chasing is done as if the ID1=(RCPOPTIDX) parameter is not set in the database definition (DBDEF).
Enables z/TPFDF recoup optimized chain chasing for all z/TPFDF index files that have the ID1=(RCPOPTIDX) parameter specified in the DBDEF.
Specifies the location of the lost address summary file (LostAddressSummaryCount.fil), where filepath is the path of the file. The path is case-sensitive and must be an absolute path that is enclosed in single quotation marks.

The lost address summary file is used to store lost address totals that are calculated by ZRECP LOST CREATE command processing and indicators that define the lost addresses that will be included or excluded. You can use the information in this file to determine which lost address record IDs to return to the system.

Additional information

  • Online help information is available for this command. To display the help information, enter one of the following commands:
  • Each time that you enter the ZRECP SETUP command, all default values are reset.


The following example sets the recoup options so that all IDs are written to the RCP tape.

System: RECP0856I 13.16.59 RECOUP OPTIONS
        CURRENT OPTIONS                  LAST OPTIONS

        DIRTIM    - 00500                DIRTIM    - 00500
        ERRLOG    - BOTH                 ERRLOG    - BOTH
        ADR       - NO                   ADR       - NO
        ADRNUM    - 0032                 ADRNUM    - 0032
        FIXERMAX  - 0100                 FIXERMAX  - 0100
        BCHMAX    - 00000100             BCHMAX    - 00000100
        EAMAX     - 00001000             EAMAX     - 00001000
        REFFMMAX  - 00001000             REFFMMAX  - 00001000
        REFFROM   - FARF4                REFFROM   - FARF4
        CSERRMAX  - 0100                 CSERRMAX  - 0100
        CSTIMEOUT - 0300                 CSTIMEOUT - 0300
        DIRMECB   - 0100                 DIRMECB   - 0100
        STARTLVL  - 0150                 STARTLVL  - 0150
        TIMEOUT   - 0120                 TIMEOUT   - 0120
        STATUSCON - YES                  STATUSCON - YES
        FSC       - YES                  FSC       - YES
        PRIORITY  - NORMAL               PRIORITY  - NORMAL
        DFOPTMZ   - DISABLE              DFOPTMZ   - DISABLE
        RCP       - ALL                  RCP       - ALL
        CURR RCPX - D1F8 D1F9
        LAST RCPX - D1F8 D1F9
        CURRENT PATH   - /recp_20070119
        LAST PATH      - /usr/IBM

The following example sets recoup options that determine the directory capture timeout value, the maximum number of broken chains to be logged, and which records are written to the RCP tape.

System: RECP0856I 13.16.59 RECOUP OPTIONS
        CURRENT OPTIONS                  LAST OPTIONS

        DIRTIM    - 00200                DIRTIM    - 00500
        ERRLOG    - BOTH                 ERRLOG    - BOTH
        ADR       - NO                   ADR       - NO
        ADRNUM    - 0032                 ADRNUM    - 0032
        FIXERMAX  - 0100                 FIXERMAX  - 0100
        BCHMAX    - 00099999             BCHMAX    - 00000100
        EAMAX     - 00001000             EAMAX     - 00001000
        REFFMMAX  - 00001000             REFFMMAX  - 00001000
        REFFROM   - FARF4                REFFROM   - FARF4
        CSERRMAX  - 0100                 CSERRMAX  - 0100
        CSTIMEOUT - 0300                 CSTIMEOUT - 0300
        DIRMECB   - 0100                 DIRMECB   - 0100
        STARTLVL  - 0150                 STARTLVL  - 0150
        TIMEOUT   - 0120                 TIMEOUT   - 0120
        STATUSCON - YES                  STATUSCON - YES
        FSC       - YES                  FSC       - YES
        PRIORITY  - NORMAL               PRIORITY  - NORMAL
        DFOPTMZ   - DISABLE              DFOPTMZ   - DISABLE
        RCP       - AA                   RCP       - ALL
        CURR RCPX - 1234
        LAST RCPX - D1F8 D1F9
        CURRENT PATH   - /recp_20070119
        LAST PATH      - /recp_20070119