Fenced I-stream eligible support

Fenced I-streams are active I-streams that are not in use and have an I-stream number greater than the I-stream cap. Certain z/TPF and z/TPFDF capabilities can run on fenced I-streams.

You can run the following capabilities on fenced I-streams.
Table 1. Fenced I-stream eligible support
Capability Description Value
Recoup A maintenance utility that validates your database, identifies problems, and reports usage information about the database.
  • Provides information about the way your database is being used and the growth rates of the database.
  • Provides support for you to fix problems in the database.
CRUISE A maintenance utility that is used to capture, restore, pack and verify z/TPFDF databases on the z/TPF system.
  • Provides information about the way your database is being used and the growth rates of the database.
  • Provides support for you to fix problems in the database.