Configuring IPIC High Availability

An IPIC connection can use port sharing or Sysplex Distributor to connect to a cluster of CICS® regions. The CICS regions must be configured with the same programs, transactions, and security settings. These connections can be configured to use TLS.

Before you begin

  • You should be familiar with the information on CICS IPIC high availability, which describes how IPIC HA connections are established, how high availability is maintained and how the HA reconnection feature works.
  • A shared TCP/IP port must be configured by using z/OS TCP/IP port sharing or Sysplex Distributor, which each of the CICS regions in the cluster then listens on.

About this task

This task illustrates how to configure two IBM z/OS Connect servers (zosConn1 and zosConn2) each with an IPIC connection to a cluster of two CICS regions (CICS-A and CICS-B). The two CICS regions are both configured with a generic TCPIPSERVICE that listens on shared port 2222. CICS-A is configured with a specific TCPIPSERVICE that listens on port 1091 and CICS-B is configured with a specific TCPIPSERVICE that listens on port 1092. Figure 1 illustrates the connections that are established on the specific ports. In normal operation, zosConn1 is connected to CICS-A and zosConn2 is connected to CICS-B. Each connection can fail over to the other CICS region if one CICS regionCICS fails. Each CICS region requires a separate IPCONN definition for each IBM z/OS Connect Server that can connect to it. Table 1 details the required settings.

Figure 1. IPIC HA connections to CICS-specific ports
This diagram shows IPIC HA connections from two IBM z/OS Connect servers to two CICS regions.
Table 1. Example parameters for IPIC HA configuration
IBM z/OS Connect Server IPIC connection reference ID zosConnectNetworkid, zosConnectApplid CICS region Specific TCPIPSERVICE port number IPCONN Networkid, Applid
zosConn1 cicsConn NET1, ZCONN1 CICS-A 1091 NET1, ZCONN1
      CICS-B 1092 NET1, ZCONN1
zosConn2 cicsConn NET2, ZCONN2 CICS-A 1091 NET2, ZCONN2
      CICS-B 1092 NET2, ZCONN2
  • When using predefined IPCONNs with IPIC HA, each CICS region must have a separate IPCONN definition for each zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection definition in each IBM z/OS Connect Server.
  • Within a sysplex, each IPIC connection that is defined in z/OS Connect must have a unique Networkid.APPLID identifier that is specified by using the zosConnectApplid and zosConnectNetworkid attributes on the zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection element. In CICS, these values must match the Applid and Networkid parameters in the IPCONN definition.
  • You can share a zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection element definition between z/OS Connect servers only if you use autoinstalled IPCONNs and do not specify the zosConnectApplid and zosConnectNetworkid attributes on the element definition.


  1. Configure the connections in z/OS Connect.
    Perform the following steps to configure each z/OS Connect IPIC definition.
    1. Define a zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection element. Set sharedPort="true" and specify the shared port in the port attribute.
      The shared port is the port number that is configured in TCP/IP port sharing or sysplex distributor, which the CICS regions listen on.
    2. If using predefined IPCONNs in CICS, specify the zosConnectApplid and zosConnectNetworkid attributes to uniquely identify this specific connection. If using auto-installed IPCONNs, specifying these attributes is optional, and if they are not specified, names are automatically generated by CICS. Do not set the cicsApplid and cicsNetworkid attributes; these attributes are ignored by CICS when using a shared port.
    For example, in the server configuration file for zosConn1 specify:
    <zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection id="cicsConn" host="" port="2222" sharedPort="true" 
                                   zosConnectApplid="ZCONN1" zosConnectNetworkid="NET1"/>
    and in the server configuration file for zosConn2 specify:
    <zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection id="cicsConn" host="" port="2222" sharedPort="true" 
                                   zosConnectApplid="ZCONN2" zosConnectNetworkid="NET2"/>
  2. Configure the connections in CICS.
    Perform the following steps for each CICS region.
    1. Define a specific TCPIPSERVICE to listen on a nonshared port specific to that CICS region.
    2. Define a generic TCPIPSERVICE to listen on the shared port and set the SPECIFTCPS value to the name of the specific TCPIPSERVICE.
      For more information, see Configuring an IPIC connection in CICS.
    For example, configure a generic TCPIPSERVICE for port 2222 on CICS-A and CICS-B, and a specific TCPIPSERVICE on CICS-A for port 1091 and a specific TCPIPSERVICE on CICS-B for port 1092.
  3. Optional: If using predefined IPCONNs, define an IPCONN for each zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection definition in each z/OS Connect Server that can connect to that CICS region.
    In the IPCONN definitions, the values of the Applid and Networkid parameters must match the values of the zosConnectApplid and zosConnectNetworkid attributes on the corresponding zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection element in the server configuration file.
    For example, on both CICS-A and CICS-B, define two IPCONNs with Networkid.APPLIDs of NET1.ZCONN1 and NET2.ZCONN2.
  4. Optional: Configure a reconnect interval to periodically rebalance connections.
    For example, if CICS-A and CICS-B are on different LPARS, to configure zosConn1 to preferentially connect to CICS-A and zosConn2 to preferentially connect to CICS-B, and for connections to be rebalanced every 30 minutes, update the IPIC connection definitions to add those preferences. If a time unit is not specified for the reconnectInterval, the time is in milliseconds.
    In the server configuration file for zosConn1 specify:
    <zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection id="cicsConn" host="" port="2222" sharedPort="true" zosConnectApplid="ZCONN1" zosConnectNetworkid="NET1"
                                   reconnectInterval="30m" preferredSpecificHost=""/>

    where is the IP address of CICS-A and in the server configuration file for zosConn2 specify:

    <zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection id="cicsConn" host="" port="2222" sharedPort="true" zosConnectApplid="ZCONN2" zosConnectNetworkid="NET2"
                                   reconnectInterval="30m" preferredSpecificHost=""/>

    where is the IP address of CICS-B.

    When a connection to CICS is established, message BAQR0680I shows the IP address of the specific port for that CICS region. If the preferredSpecificHost is specified as a DNS address, ensure that the DNS name is for this IP address. For example,
    BAQR0680I: CICS connection cicsConn established to host on port 1091 with 100 sessions.
    If there is more than one CICS region on any LPAR listening on the shared port, to specify a preference, set the preferredSpecificPort attribute to specify the preferred CICS region.
    Note: From z/OS Connect V3.0.57, if the preferred CICS region is on the same LPAR as the z/OS Connect Server, you can specify preferredSpecificHost="local". For more information, see Setting preferredSpecificHost="local".