Controlling access to the transaction program profiles

Inbound requests for a local RACF® subsystem are handled by a program which is invoked by an APPC transaction program profile process. This profile must be protected in order to prevent undesirable alterations which could bypass security processes, and to control which remote users can send inbound requests.

There are two steps in controlling a transaction program profile:
  1. Protect the VSAM data set containing the profile. The level of protection should restrict who can alter the profile. You might also want to restrict who can read the data set. In this case, we recommend that the ERASE attribute be specified on the DEFINE for the VSAM cluster.
  2. Protect the associated transaction program profile from unauthorized execution of inbound requests.
Both of these steps can be performed through the use of the APPCTP class. Profiles in this class have the form:
Is the database token (1 to 8 characters) for the TP profile data set.
Is the transaction program level. This tplevel corresponds with the TPLEVEL specified on the LUADD. For example, if you specify TPLEVEL(USER) on the LUADD, APPC looks for an APPCTP profile protecting dbtoken.userid.tpname. There is no RACF requirement for the TPLEVEL. See the APPC manuals referenced in Setting up your system to use APPC/MVS and VTAM for information.
Is the transaction program name (1 to 64 characters). Unless the installation changes it, RACF uses the default TPNAME of IRRRACF.
The local RACF user ID authorized to this profile must be the same as the user ID that the RACF subsystem in the remote node operates under.