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The SYSMOD being installed must specify the RMID of the associated distribution library element on the PRE or SUP operand of its ++VER MCS. If the RMID of the distribution library element is the same as its FMID, the element has not been replaced by any SYSMOD. Therefore, the SYSMOD being installed need not specify the RMID value in the PRE or SUP operand.

If the element being installed is a ++SRC/++SRCUPD, or ++MAC/++MACUPD element, resulting in an assembly that replaces a distribution library module, the SYSMOD being installed must specify, as one of its PRE or SUP operand values, the RMID of the corresponding distribution library module to be replaced by the assembly. If the distribution library module is itself the result of an assembly (RMIDASM indicator set in the MOD entry), an exception to this requirement is made, because the reassembly picks up any changes caused by the SYSMOD that last replaced the module through an assembly.

If the SYSMOD being processed does not specify the RMID of the element on the PRE or SUP operand of its ++VER MCS, SMP/E does not accept that SYSMOD, because doing so would regress the service supplied by the SYSMOD represented by the RMID. If you want to allow the RMID SYSMOD to be regressed, the BYPASS(ID) operand of the ACCEPT command can be specified.