Setting up a colocated Tailored Fit Pricing DevTest or New Application solution

A colocated DevTest or New Application solution lets you add new approved z/OS solutions in an existing LPAR with other unrelated workloads without directly impacting the R4HA.

Once the WLM service definition is activated with tenant resource group definitions and associated classification rules, WLM tracks the processor consumption on behalf of the tenant resource group-specified workload. RMF then writes each tenant resource group's consumption data to SMF Type 70, Subtype 1 records every recording interval. SCRT analyzes the recorded data and produces a report for consumption by IBM's fulfillment systems, removing the workload's MSU utilization from the R4HA. SCRT analyzes the recorded data and produces a report for consumption by fulfillment systems, removing the workload’s MSU utilization from the R4HA.

Use the following sections to set up a colocated Tailored Fit Pricing solution: