VIEW—View from within an Edit Session
The VIEW macro command allows you to view a member of the same partitioned data set during your current edit session.
- member
- A member of the library or other partitioned data set you are currently editing. You may enter a member pattern to generate a member list.
Your initial edit session is suspended until the view session is complete. Editing sessions can be nested until you run out of storage.
To exit from the view session, END or CANCEL must be processed by a macro or entered by you. The current edit session resumes.
The VIEW service call, ISPEXEC VIEW, is an alternate method of starting view. It offers the option of viewing another data set and specifying an initial macro.
For more information on using the VIEW service, refer to the z/OS ISPF Services Guide.
Return codes
- 0
- Normal completion
- 12
- Your error (invalid member name, recovery pending)
- 20
- Severe error
To view the member OLDMEM in your
current ISPF library: