Triplet information

This section is located on the record using the following triplet fields, which are located in the "self-defining" section:
SMF89SIN - This field is always 1 because each type 89 record that is generated has one system ID section.
Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF89SYN 8 EBCDIC MVS™ system name (SYSNAME from IEASYSxx).
8 8 SMF89UST 4 binary Usage data interval START time (local, hundredths of a second from midnight). This is usually an hour value (such as 01:00:00.00) except in the case of the first record during an IPL (which reports the “IPL” time). This is different from the recording interval that is used to report on the generation of the usage records. This field and SMF89UET define the hour "bucket"that the usage data reflects.

This field is only filled in for the SMF89 subtype 1 records.

12 0C SMF89USD 4 packed Usage data interval START Date in the form 0cyydddF.

This field is only filled in for the SMF89 subtype 1 records.

16 10 SMF89UET 4 binary Usage data interval END time (local, hundredths of a second from midnight). This is usually an hour value (such as 01:00:00.00). This field and SMF89UST define the hour "bucket" that the usage data reflects.

This field is only filled in for the SMF89 subtype 1 records.

20 14 SMF89UED 4 packed Usage data interval END date in the form 0cyydddF.

This field is only filled in for the SMF89 subtype 1 records.

24 18 * 4 binary Reserved.
28 1C * 4 binary Reserved.
32 20 SMF89CMN 2 packed CPU model number.
34 22 SMF89CVN 1 binary CPU version number.
35 23 SMF89LPI 1 binary LPAR indicators:
Meaning when set
The one digit LPAR ID contained in SMF89LP2 (bit 4) is valid (SMF89LPV).
The two digit LPAR ID contained in field SMF89LP3 is valid (SMF89LPM).
2 - 3
The one digit LPAR ID (X'0-F') (SMF89LP2).
  1. For a one digit LPAR ID (X'0-F'), both SMF89LPV (bit 0) and SMF89LPM (bit 1) is on and both SMF89LP2 (bits 4-7) and field SMF89LP3 contain the LPAR ID.
  2. For the two digit LPAR ID (greater than X'F'), SMF89LPM (bit 1) is on, and SMF89LP3 contains the LPAR ID.
36 24 SMF89SER 3 packed CPU serial number.
39 27 SMF89LP3 1 binary LPAR ID.
40 28 SMF89RPP 4 binary CPU relative processing power indicator.
44 2C SMF89SPN 8 EBCDIC Sysplex name (from the SYSPLEX parameter in the COUPLExx parmlib member).
52 34 SMF89CPT 6 EBCDIC CPC type number (blanks if data is not available).
58 3A SMF89CPM 3 EBCDIC CPC model number (blanks if data is not available).
61 3D SMF89CPS 12 EBCDIC CPC sequence number (blanks if data is not available).
73 49 SMF89SIF 1 binary
Meaning when set
Field SMF89LPN is valid. (SMF89LNV)
This is the last record for this usage interval. (SMF89LCR)
2 - 7
74 4A * 2 binary Reserved.
76 4C SMF89MNF 16 EBCDIC V1-CPC manufacturer.
92 5C SMF89TID 4 EBCDIC V1-CPC type.
96 60 SMF89MDL 16 EBCDIC V1-CPC model.
112 70 SMF89SQC 16 EBCDIC V1-CPC sequence code.
128 80 SMF89POM 4 EBCDIC V1-CPC plant of manufacturer.
132 84 SMF89CPC 4 binary CPU capability.
136 88 SMF89CCC 2 binary Configured CPU count.
138 8A SMF89SCC 2 binary Standby CPU count.
140 8C SMF89MAF 30 binary Array of multiprocessing CPU capability adjustment factors. This array contains information for only the first 15 general processors. Obtain additional processor information from RMF records, or issuing the STSI instruction.
170 AA SMF89LPN 8 EBCDIC LPAR name when SYSIB 2.2.2 is valid, when returned by the STSI instruction (such as when running under z/VM®). Bit SMF89LPV is on when the field is valid. Avoid looking at this field unless SMF89LNV is on.
178 B2 SMF89_Capacity _Change_Cnt 2 binary The number of processor capacity changes that occurred since the previous interval or event interval. This number is greater than 1 when the number of processor capacity changes exceeded the number specified in the MAXEVENTINTRECS parmlib option.
180 B4 SMF89 _RCTPCPUA _Actual 4 binary Physical CPU adjustment factor (this is the adjustment factor for converting CPU time to equivalent service in basic-mode with all processors online). Based on model capacity rating.
184 B8 SMF89 _RCTPCPUA _Nominal 4 binary Physical CPU adjustment factor (this is the adjustment factor for converting CPU time to equivalent service in basic-mode with all processors online). Based on nominal model capacity rating.
188 BC SMF89 _RCTPCPUA _scaling_factor 4 binary Scaling factor for SMF89_RCTPCPUA_Actual and SMF89_RCTPCPUA_Nominal.
192 C0 SMF89_Capacity _Adjustment _Ind 1 binary When:
The indication is not reported.
Some amount of reduction is indicated.
The machine is operating in normal capacity.
The Primary CPU and all secondary-type CPU are similarly affected.
193 C1 SMF89_Capacity _Change_Rsn 1 binary Indicates the reason that is associated with the present value contained in SMF89_Capacity_Adjustment_Ind. The bit values of this field correspond to those described in RMCTZ_Capacity_Adjustment_Indication of the IRARMCTZ mapping macro. (See z/OS MVS Data Areas.)
194 C2 SMF89_Capacity _Flags 1 binary Processor capacity flags.
Meaning when set
Meaning: When on, indicates that the current record was generated as a result of an event, rather than as a result of a standard interval expiration based on time.
Meaning: When on, indicates that an error occurred while collecting the processor capacity data, therefore the following fields are unreliable:
  • SMF89_RCTPCPUA_Actual
  • SMF89_RCTPCPUA_Nominal
  • SMF89_RCTPCPUA_scaling_factor
  • SMF89_Capacity_Adjustment_Ind
  • SMF89_Capacity_Change_Rsn
Meaning: When on, indicates records generated on systems running z/OS® V1R7 through z/OS V1R9. When off, indicates records generated on systems running z/OS V1R10 and later.
195 C3 * 1 binary Reserved.
196 C4 SMF89ZNF 4 binary zAAP normalization factor for zAAP service time.
200 C8 SMF89SNF 4 binary zIIP Normalization factor for zIIP service time.
204 CC SMF89SEQ 2 binary Record sequence number when multiple records are written for the same interval.
206 CE SMF89SolutionID 64 EBCDIC The Tailored Fit Pricing solution ID from the SOLUT system parameter; otherwise, binary zeros if the SOLUT parameter was not specified.