Subject line of email messages
The subject line is used for email messages that are sent as a result of processing NOTIFYJCL statement. If the subject line is omitted, JES2 provides a default subject line.
If the default subject line is not satisfactory, a customized subject line can be configured by using the NFY_SUBJECT keyword of the JOBDEF JES2 command or initialization statement. Subject line symbols can be placed when defining the subject. The full size of the subject message can be truncated after substitution. This subject line setting is unique for each member in MAS. For more information, see $D JOBDEF - Display characteristics assigned to jobs, $T JOBDEF - Set job processing characteristics, or Format description for JOBDEF.
JES2 Subject Line Symbols
- &JES2JBID – The 8 character job ID assigned to a job by JES2
- &JES2OJID – The 8 character original job ID assigned to a job by JES2
- &JES2INDV – Up to 8 character input device the job entered JES2
- &JES2PRTR – Up to 8 character output device the job has been assigned
- &JES2PGNM – Up to 20 character programmer name on the job card
- &JES2JBNM – Up to 8 character name of the job on the job card
- &JES2GPID – The 8 character group ID given to the job
- &JES2SUID – Up to 8 character user ID of the submitter
- &JES2NXND – Up to 8 character name of the network execution node
- &JES2NOND – Up to 8 character name of the network originating node
- &JES2JBCC – Up to 20 character job completion code/msg
- &JES2UCOR – Up to 32 character field defined in the user correlator
- &JES2GOUT – The 8 digit number of lines of generated output
- &JES2DONX – The 8 digit date starting job execution in the MMDDYYYY format
- &JES2D2NX – The 8 digit date starting job execution in the DDMMYYYY format
- &JES2DOFX – The 8 digit date leaving job execution in the MMDDYYYY format
- &JES2D2FX – The 8 digit date leaving job execution in the DDMMYYYY format
- &JES2TONX – The 6 digit time starting job execution in the HHMMSS format
- &JES2TOFX – The 6 digit time leaving job execution in the HHMMSS format
Examples of JES2 Subject Line Symbol
$TJOBDEF,NFY_SUBJECT='&JES2JBNM &JES2JBID submitted by user &JES2SUID ended'
To: IBMUSER@IBM.COM-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: IBMJOB JOB00039 submitted by user IBMUSER ended
From: N1M1@POK<br><br>13.24.32 JOB00039 $HASP165 IBMJOB ENDED AT POKMAXCC=0000
Subject: JOB00037 returned with MAXCC=0000
From: N1M1@POK<br><br>13.21.48 JOB00037 $HASP165 IBMJOB ENDED AT POKMAXCC=0000