The BROWSE, EDIT, and VIEW services allow you to create, read, or change MVS™ data sets or members of an ISPF library. An ISPF library is a cataloged partitioned data set with a three-level name made up of a project, a group, and a type. The ISPF library can be private (available only to you) or can be shared by a group of users. The BROWSE, EDIT, and VIEW services provide direct access to the Browse, Edit, and View options of PDF, bypassing the Browse mode on the View Entry panel (with or without Browse mode) and Edit Entry panels.

The EDREC service, which you usually invoke before calling EDIT or VIEW, helps you recover work that would otherwise be lost if ISPF ended abnormally, such as after a power loss.

See the z/OS ISPF Services Guide for complete descriptions, including examples, of the BROWSE, EDIT, EDREC, and VIEW services.