FMIDs differ

In this case, SMP/E is dealing with elements belonging to different functions, and element selection is based on functional relationships expressed by means of FMID and VERSION. Elements may be excluded (that is, not selected), and processing of the SYSMOD continues under the assumption that a functionally higher version of the element is already installed on the distribution library.

An element is excluded from the SYSMOD being installed unless one of the following conditions is met:
  • The function SYSMOD being installed names the FMID of the distribution library element in the ++VER FMID operand. In this case, the function being installed is superior to the function that owns the distribution library element; therefore, the element is selected.
  • The modification control statement associated with the element from the SYSMOD being installed has a VERSION operand, and the FMID of the distribution library element is named in the VERSION list. In this case, the element from the SYSMOD being installed is considered to be functionally superior to the distribution library element, and it is selected.

    If there is no VERSION operand on the message control statement of an element, the SYSMOD IDs named in the VERSION operand on the ++VER are used as previously described.

    In this situation, SMP/E may be dealing either with a function SYSMOD or with a nonfunction SYSMOD that is changing the functional ownership (FMID) of the elements.
    Note: If a SYSMOD containing an element update (++SRCUPD, ++MACUPD, ++ZAP or ++JARUPD) attempts to change the ownership (FMID) of the element (with the VERSION operand), the SYSMOD cannot be installed.

When an element is selected, its FMID becomes that of the SYSMOD from which it is selected. No further MODID checking is done for these elements. SYSMODs are constructed so that when the functional ownership of a module changes, either the SYSMOD changing the ownership or data stored in the distribution zone SYSMOD entries (the CIFREQ data) contains sufficient information to prevent any service or functional regressions.