Adjacent control point major node

This topic describes sample adjacent control point major node definitions.

You need an adjacent control point major node to define all the adjacent CPs with which you want your VTAM® node to establish CP-CP sessions. The adjacent control point major node consists of ADJCP definition statements (the minor nodes), each of which represents an adjacent control point.

If the DYNADJCP start option is defaulted or specified as YES, an adjacent CP major node, ISTADJCP, is automatically created when VTAM is initialized. Adjacent CP minor nodes will then be created as needed to provide control and management of connections to adjacent APPN nodes. It is not necessary, in this case, to code an adjacent control point major node.

Guideline: Unless CDRSCs are predefined for adjacent CPs, CDRDYN=YES is also required for the dynamic creation of adjacent CP minor nodes.

If the DYNADJCP start option is defaulted or specified as YES, and you code an ADJCP major node, adjacent control points not specified in the ADJCP major node are still dynamically defined in the ISTADJCP major node.

If you define the DYNADJCP start option as NO, you need to define every potential adjacent CP within adjacent CP major and minor nodes. Connections are established with only those nodes you specify.

For more information about adjacent control point major nodes, see the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Network Implementation Guide or the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference.