Step for invoking z/OS UNIX RSH trace

The z/OS® UNIX RSH trace can be invoked using either rsh or orsh.


Enter one of the following commands with either an IP address or a host name:

  • IPv4
       orsh -d -l debfox/mypwd -s 1514 date
  • IPv6
        orsh -d -l debfox/mypwd -s 1514 fec0:0:0:12BE::1 date


The following are examples of the trace output:
  • IPv4
    EZYRC31I Calling function rcmd_af with the following:
    EZYRC02I Host:, user debfox, cmd date, port 1514
    EZYRC19I  Data socket = 4, Control socket = 6.
    Thu Apr  3 15:44:11  2003  
  • IPv6
    EZYRC31I Calling function rcmd_af with the following:
    EZYRC02I Host: fec0:0:0:12BE::1, user debfox, cmd date, port 1514
    EZYRC19I  Data socket = 4, Control socket = 6.
    Thu Apr  3 15:41:11  2003 

EZYRC31I shows that the local rcmd_af() function has been called. EZYRC02I shows the parameters that have been passed to the rcmd_af() function. EZYRC19I shows the socket descriptor being used for the data connection and the control (or standard error) connection.