The CTRACE TRACERES option collects the same Trace Resolver output as described in Interpreting the Trace Resolver output, but the Trace Resolver records are formatted as Resolver CTRACE records. All TRACERES records have the same trace record name. The trace record name is Formatted Trace Resolver. TRACERES records might be interspersed among other Resolver CTRACE records when CTRACE ALL is also specified.

  • The CTRACE TRACERES and Trace Resolver functions can be used independently or together. When both functions are active, Trace Resolver records are written as CTRACE records in addition to being written to the location that is described in Specifying the Trace Resolver output location.
  • You must filter the recorded data to improve performance in the following ways:
    • Minimize the overhead of recording the trace
    • Make formatting faster
    • Save storage
    • Minimize wrapping, that is, new trace records overwriting older trace records
    Use the JOBNAME or ASID option when you capture the trace to limit the trace data to one application.