Generating system summary reports

Turn to the headings shown in the following table for examples of statements used to generate the system summary reports in each operating system:

  1. Refer to SYSUM — System Summary (Report Parameter) in EREP Reference for details about the system summary report parameter.
  2. When you code ACC=Y with SYSUM, EREP always clears the ERDS, even if you code ZERO=N.
Use the following selection parameters to customize your system summary report:
  • DATE
  • MODE
  • TIME
Note: Specifying parameters other than these may result in misleading reports. See Table 1 for restrictions on using parameter combinations.

The following table shows the type of error records and their source in the system summary report.

Type Source
CCH CPUs, channels
CRW CPUs, channels
EOD operating systems
IPL Operating systems
MDR I/O devices; including SCUs, controllers
OBR I/O devices; including SCUs, controllers
SFT MVS operating system
SLH CPUs, channels