Data sets used

The following data sets might be needed to run the RESTORE command. They can be defined by DD statements or, normally, by DDDEF entries. For more information about these data sets, see z/OS SMP/E Reference.
  1. SMPJHOME is an optional ddname used to specify the Java™ runtime directory. SMP/E requires the Java runtime when a UNIX shell script is invoked during the restore of a file system element, and this UNIX shell script issues a Java command.
  2. The SMPLTS data set is required only when a load module with CALLLIBS is being processed.
  3. The SMPDATA1 and SMPDATA2 data sets are required only when the CHANGEFILE subentry of the active OPTIONS entry is set to "YES" for the target zone that RESTORE is operating on.
  4. zone represents the DD statements required for each distribution zone or target zone used by this command. If the DD statements are not specified, the data sets are dynamically allocated according to the ZONEINDEX information in the GLOBALZONE entry. Also note that, while DD statements may be used to override the ZONEINDEX information, they are not a substitute for a zoneindex. A zoneindex is always required for a zone.
  5. SMPPARM is only required if exit routines have been defined in SMPPARM member GIMEXITS.