Supplying batch terminal characteristics
In a batch environment there is no terminal from which ISPF can get screen width and screen depth values, so you must supply to ISPF data related to terminal type. You can include two optional keywords, BATSCRW and BATSCRD, on the ISPSTART command line to specify, respectively, screen width and screen depth values. The default values, if you do not include these keywords, are a screen width of 80 characters and a screen depth of 32 lines. The width and depth values, whether specified on the ISPSTART command or through the default values, establish the values in system variables ZSCREENW, ZSCREEND, ZSCRMAXW, and ZSCRMAXD.
In addition to the display services, use of the PQUERY service requires that the screen width and depth values be supplied to ISPF, either through default values or as defined on the ISPSTART command.
When running batch, terminal characteristics cannot be changed during a session, although some characteristics can be changed during an interactive session. For example, when ISPF is running interactively you can specify 3278 Model 5 and 3290 screen formatting. In batch mode, a dialog does not interact with a physical screen. Therefore, screen size, specified by including the BATSCRW and BATSCRD keywords on the ISPSTART command, is fixed for the duration of the batch session.
When running in batch mode, you can include the BDBCS keyword on the ISPSTART command. ISPF then processes the dialog as though it were running on a DBCS terminal.
The value in system variable ZCOLORS defines the number of colors (either 1 or 7) that a terminal can display. In batch mode, ISPF sets ZCOLORS to 1.
The value in system variable ZHILITE (YES or NO) determines if a terminal is to have extended highlighting capability, including underscore, blinking, and reverse video. In batch mode, ISPF sets ZHILITE to NO.