Steps for stopping SNTPD

If SNTPD was started from the z/OS® UNIX shell, the kill command must be used to stop SNTPD.

Before you begin

Before you issue the kill command, you must determine the process ID (PID) of SNTPD.


Perform the following steps to stop the PID of SNTPD:

  1. To find the PID, use one of the following methods:
    • Use D OMVS,U=userid. (This is the USERID that started SNTPD from the shell.)
    • Use the ps -ef command from the shell.
    • Write down the PID when you start SNTPD.
  2. From a z/OS UNIX shell superuser ID, issue the kill command to the PID associated with SNTPD.


You know you are finished when the following message appears: EZZ9601I SNTP SERVER ENDED. If SNTPD was started as an MVS started procedure, you must use the stop command to stop SNTPD. For example, code:
p sntpd