Identifying the coupling facility structures
MVS™ recognizes three structure types — cache, list, and lock, and provides unique programming services for each of the structure types to allow the manipulation of data within the structure. To use these services, a system component, subsystem, or application “connects” to the structure, specifying a structure name and the type of structure it is.
z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Guide and z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference describe the programming services provided for coupling facility structures.
In your CFRM policy, you must provide the definitions to allow the application to use the structure. The CFRM policy defines the structures, including the amount of coupling facility storage to be used for each structure. Note that the CFRM policy does not identify the type of structure (cache, list, or lock). That information is provided by the application connecting to the structure. A coupling facility can support multiple coupling facility structures, but any one structure must exist entirely within a single coupling facility.