Ownership changes

When the newSuperior parameter accompanies the Modify DN request, any entries in a relocated subtree which had explicit owners before the relocation preserves that explicit ownership after the relocation is performed. Any entries in the relocated subtree which inherited ownership before relocation continues to inherit ownership following relocation. If the owning entry before relocation was a node superior to the relocated entry, the owning entry is the new superior entry. If the owning entry was an entry within the relocated subtree, the owning entry is preserved following the relocation.

Any entries in the relocated subtree which propagated ownership to subordinates before relocation continue to propagate ownership to subordinates after the relocation.

See the example in Access control changes .

Assume that the entry with DN o=Human Resources, o=Deltawing, c=AU has an explicit propagating owner of cn=Mark Crawford, ou=Human Resources, ou=Delta Home Media Ltd.,o=Deltawing,c=AU.

Also, assume that the entry with DN ou=Sport, ou=Vision On Demand, o=Deltawing, c=AU has an explicit propagating owner of cn=Neville McAuliffe, ou=Human Resources Group, ou=Deltawing Infosystems, o=Deltawing, c=AU.

Before the Modify DN operation, the effective owner of the renamed entry is cn=Mark Crawford, ou=Human Resources, ou=Delta Home Media Ltd., o=Deltawing,c=AU; after completion of the operation, the effective owner of the renamed entry is now cn=Neville McAuliffe, ou=Human Resources Group, ou=Deltawing Infosystems, o=Deltawing,c=AU. Therefore, the act of relocating an entry might change the effective owner of that entry and of its subordinates.