Record Type 99 (63) — System Resource Manager Decisions
Tailored Fit Pricing updates SMF record type 99. In this section we hit just the sections updated for Tailored Fit Pricing. For complete information about SMF record type 99, see z/OS MVS System Management Facilities (SMF).
For information about how to use type 99, see z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services.
Record Type 99 (63) — System Resource Manager Decisions
This record type is written by the SRM component. The records contain:
- Performance data for each service class period
- Trace codes representing the SRM actions
- The data which SRM used to decide which actions to take
- The controls SRM is using to manage work.
Tailored Fit Pricing updates the following subtypes:
- Subtype 1
- Contains system level data, the trace of SRM actions, and data about resource groups. The SRM actions are recorded in trace codes. All trace codes are described in z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services. A subtype 1 record is written every policy interval.
- Subtype 2
- Contains data for service classes. A subtype 2 record is written every policy interval for each service class if any period in the service class had recent activity.
Subtype 1 - Resource Group Entry Section
Offsets | Name | Length | Format | Description | |
0 | SMF99_RGNAME | 8 | EBCDIC | Resource group name | |
8 | 8 | SMF99_MIN_SR | 4 | binary | Minimum service rate for the resource group in unweighted CPU service units per second. When there is no minimum defined, this field is 0. |
12 | C | SMF99_MAX_SR | 4 | binary | Maximum service rate for the resource group in unweighted CPU service units per second. When there is no maximum defined, this field is X'7FFFFFFFF'. |
16 | 10 | SMF99_ACT_SR | 4 | binary | Service rate received in the last policy adjustment interval on the local system in unweighted CPU service units per second. |
20 | 14 | SMF99_SPAS | 4 | binary | Service per non-capped slice in unweighted CPU service units per second. |
24 | 18 | SMF99_SLICES | 2 | binary | The number of cap slices in which work in this resource group was capped. |
26 | 1A | SMF99_RHELPCNT0 | 2 | binary | A count of the systems that can help special system address spaces (work at importance 0). The count can include any systems in the sysplex running in goal mode other than the local system. |
28 | 1C | SMF99_RHELPCNT1 | 2 | binary | A count of the systems that can help work at importance 1. The count can include any systems in the sysplex running in goal mode other than the local system. |
30 | 1E | SMF99_RHELPCNT2 | 2 | binary | A count of the systems that can help work at importance 2. The count can include any systems in the sysplex running in goal mode other than the local system. |
32 | 20 | SMF99_RHELPCNT3 | 2 | binary | A count of the systems that can help work at importance 3. The count can include any systems in the sysplex running in goal mode other than the local system. |
34 | 22 | SMF99_RHELPCNT4 | 2 | binary | A count of the systems that can help work at importance 4. The count can include any systems in the sysplex running in goal mode other than the local system. |
36 | 24 | SMF99_RHELPCNT5 | 2 | binary | A count of the systems that can help work at importance 5. The count can include any systems in the sysplex running in goal mode other than the local system. |
38 | 26 | SMF99_RHELPCNT6 | 2 | binary | A count of the systems that can help discretionary work (work at importance 6). The count can include any systems in the sysplex running in goal mode other than the local system. |
40 | 28 | SMF99_LHELP_FLGS | 1 | binary | Flag indicating whether the local system can help work at each importance level. 1 indicates
it can help, 0 indicates it cannot help.
41 | 29 | SMF99_RG_FLAGS | 1 | binary | Resource group flags
42 | 2A | * | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved. |
44 | 2C | SMF_RG_PERC_MIN | 4 | binary | Percentage min value, if min/max are specified in percentages, or MSU min value if min/max are specified in MSU. |
48 | 30 | SMF_RG_PERC_MAX | 4 | binary | Percentage max value, if min/max are specified in percentages, or MSU max value if min/max are specified in MSU. |
56 | 38 | SMF99_RG_ MEM_LIMIT | 4 | binary | Maximum memory limit, in GB. |
105 | 69 | * | 3 | EBCDIC | Reserved. |
108 | 6C | SMF99_RG_LACS | 4 | binary | Tenant resource group long-term average of CPU service in MSUs per hour. Only valid if Bit 6 of SMF99_RG_FLAGS is ON |
112 | 70 | SMF99_RG_SUsIFA | 8 | binary | Tenant resource group's aggregated IFA service units. Only valid if Bit 6 of SMF99_RG_FLAGS is ON |
120 | 78 | SMF99_RG_SUsSUP | 8 | binary | Tenant resource group's aggregated SUP service units. Only valid if Bit 6 of SMF99_RG_FLAGS is ON |
128 | 80 | * | 4 | binary | Internal use by IBM |
132 | 84 | SMF99_RG_MEMSMPCNT | 4 | binary | Number of times storage frames were sampled in SMF99_RG_FRAMECNT |
136 | 88 | SMF99_RG_FRAMECNT | 8 | binary | Tenant resource group's aggregated amount of storage frames (4K + 1M + 2G, normalized to 4K). Only valid if tenant resource group. |
Subtype 2 - Address space expanded storage access policy section
Offsets | Name | Length | Format | Description | |
0 | SMF99_AS_ESP_ANAM | 8 | EBCDIC | Address space name. | |
8 | 8 | SMF99_AS_ESP_AP | 1 | binary | Expanded storage access policy for demand pages.
9 | 9 | SMF99_AS_ESP_VP | 1 | binary | Expanded storage access policy for VIO pages.
10 | A | SMF99_AS_ESP_HP | 1 | binary | Expanded storage access policy for hiperspace pages.
11 | B | SMF99_AS_ESP_ASID | 2 | binary | Address space ID. |
13 | D | SMF99_AS_ESP_FLAGS | 1 | binary | Flags.
14 | E | * | 2 | binary | Reserved. |
16 | 10 | SMF99_AS_ESP_CS_FMCT | 4 | binary | Number of central storage frames the address spaces owns. |
20 | 14 | SMF99_AS_ESP_ES_FMCT | 4 | binary | Number of expanded storage frames the address spaces own. |
24 | 18 | SMF99_AS_ESP_PPS_TAR | 4 | binary | Address space protective process storage target. See subtype 5 for other targets. This is the only target non-monitor address spaces can have. |
28 | 1C | SMF99_AS _FULL_PREEMPTION | 6 | EBCDIC | Full Preemption Counts. |
28 | 1C | SMF99_AS _CPSRP_SAMP | 2 | binary | One sample per IRACPSRP invocation. |
30 | 1E | SMP99_AS _CPSRP_CUR_FP_SAMP | 2 | binary | Amount of IRACPSRP samples running with full preemption. |
32 | 20 | SMP99_AS _CPSRP_PREV_FP_SAMP | 2 | binary | Previous value of FULL_PRE1. |
34 | 22 | SMF99_AS_HealthInd | 1 | binary | Health indicator. |
35 | 23 | * | 1 | binary | Reserved to align to WORD boundary. |
36 | 24 | SMF99_AS_TOTAL_SERVICE | 4 | binary | Total service units for the address space - OUCBWMS. |
40 | 28 | SMF99_AS_CPU_SERVICE | 4 | binary | Total CPU service units for the address space - OUCBCPU. |
44 | 2C | SMF99_AS_SRB_SERVICE | 4 | binary | Total SRB service units for the address space - OUCBSRB. |
48 | 30 | SMF99_AS_MSO_SERVICE | 4 | binary | Total MSO service units for the address space - OUCBMSO. |
52 | 34 | SMF99_AS_TRN_SERVICE | 4 | binary | Accumulated transaction service for the address space - OUCBTRS. |
56 | 38 | SMF99_AS_IO_SERVICE | 4 | binary | Total IO service units for the address space - OUCBIOC. |
60 | 3C | SMF99_AS_DISP_COUNT | 2 | binary | Dispatchable count: the number of times that this address space has been found in subroutine CPUTLCK to be dispatchable yet no CPU time has accumulated for it - OUXBDSCN. |
62 | 3E | * | 2 | binary | Reserved to align to DWORD boundary. |
64 | 40 | SMF99_AS_IFA_SERVICE | 8 | binary | Total IFA service units for the address space – Oucbx_Time_On_Pro(pro_ifa) descaled. |
72 | 48 | SMF99_AS_IFACP_SERVICE | 8 | binary | Total IFA service units spent on CP for the address space - Oucbx_Time_Pro_On_CP(pro_ifa) descaled. |
80 | 50 | SMF99_AS_SUP_SERVICE | 8 | binary | Total SUP service units for the address space – Oucbx_Time_On_Pro(pro_sup) descaled. |
88 | 58 | SMF99_AS_SUPCP_SERVICE | 8 | binary | Total SUP service units spent on CP for the address space - Oucbx_Time_Pro_On_CP(pro_sup) descaled. |
96 | 60 | SMF99_AS_PB_SERVICE | 8 | binary | Transaction service units on standard CP reported for PBs running in this address space - OucbxPBCP. |
104 | 68 | SMF99_AS_PB_OFFLOAD _SERVICE | 8 | binary | Transaction service units on offload engines reported for PBs running in this address space - OucbxPBOffload. |
112 | 70 | SMF99_AS_PB _OFFLOADONCP_SERVICE | 8 | binary | Transaction service units on standard CP that were offload eligible reported for PBs running in this address space – OucbxPBOffloadOnCP. |
120 | 78 | SMF99_AS_ENCLAVE _TIME | 4 | binary | Accumulate tx active time of completed enclaves owned by this space - OUCBETIM. |
124 | 7C | SMF99_AS_ENCLAVE_CPU _SERVICE | 4 | binary | Accumulated CPU service of completed enclaves owned by this space – OUCBECPU. |
128 | 80 | SMF99_AS_ENCLAVE _IFA_TIME | 8 | binary | Total IFA time for the enclaves owned by the address space – OucbxEncTimeOnPro(pro_ifs). |
136 | 88 | SMF99_AS_ENCLAVE _IFACP_TIME | 8 | binary | Total IFA time spent on CP for the enclaves owned by the address space - OucbxEncTimeProOnCP(pro_ifs). |
144 | 90 | SMF99_AS_ENCLAVE _SUP_TIME | 8 | binary | Total SUP time for the enclaves owned by the address space – OucbxEncTimeOnPro(pro_sup). |
152 | 98 | SMF99_AS_ENCLAVE _SUPCP_TIME | 8 | binary | Total SUP time spent on CP for the enclaves owned by the address space - OucbxEncTimeProOnCP(pro_sup). |
160 | A0 | SMF99_AS_BA_BrkLoc | 18 | character | Location element for each processor type which describes the breakup environment of this address space, or 0. |
178 | B2 | SMF99_AS_BA_Loc | 18 | character | Location element for each processor type of this address space, or 0. |
196 | C4 | SMF99_AS_BA_Flag_Area | 3 | binary | HiperDispatch status flags. |
199 | C7 | * | 1 | binary | Reserved. |
200 | C8 | SMF_AS_BA_Mem_Score | 8 | character | Memory score. |
208 | D0 | SMF_AS_MP_Actual_Pool | 8 | character | Actual memory pool of the address space. |
216 | D8 | SMF99_AS_MP_Requested_Pool | 8 | character | User requested memory pool, can differ from actual pool due to RSM constraints. |
224 | E0 | SMF99_AS_TRC | 8 | character | Tenant report class of address space. |
232 | E8 | SMF99_AS_TRG | 8 | character | Tenant resource group of address space. |
240 | F0 | * | 16 | binary | For IBM use only. |