EZA2842I System service invoked for load module transfer failed: IEBCOPY rc=rc
While performing a load module transfer, the client invoked the IEBCOPY system utility to unload load modules into a temporary data set (for PUT or MPUT) or to reload unloaded load modules from temporary data set into the target load library (for GET or MGET). IEBCOPY failed.
rc is the decimal return code provided by IEBCOPY. IEBCOPY return codes are documented in z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities.
System action
Load module transfer ends. No files will be transferred. The FTP client waits for the next subcommand.
Operator response
Contact the system programmer
System programmer response
Use the z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities manual to determine the corrective action for the IEBCOPY return code.