EZA2696I Mget filename(Yes|No|Quit|Stop prompting)?


The prompt is displayed for each file before it is retrieved when the mget subcommand is being processed.

Filename is the name of the file or data set FTP is about to retrieve.

You must enter one of the following values before processing continues:
Y (Yes)
Retrieve filename. FTP will prompt you with another filename if it finds another file or data set to retrieve.
N (No)
Do not retrieve filename. FTP will prompt you with another filename if it finds another file or data set to retrieve.
Q (Quit)
Quit processing the subcommand immediately (do not retrieve any more files or data sets).
S (Stop prompting)
Retrieve filename. Continue retrieving files or data sets, but do not prompt before retrieving each file.


  1. Only the first character of the entered value is interrogated. That is, entering yyyyy has the same effect as entering yes.
  2. Pressing the enter key with no value is not a valid response.
  3. If you do not want to see the prompt the next time you issue the mget subcommand, use the prompt subcommand to toggle the interactive mode to off.

System action

FTP waits for your reply. The subsequent action depends on how you reply to the prompt.

Operator response

No action is needed.

System programmer response

No action is needed.
