EZA1532I User exit exitname module modname modified the FTP command arguments


The FTP client displays this message when an FTP client user exit returns a return code of 4. A return code of 4 indicates that the user exit has modified one or more arguments of the command that the client is about to send to the server.

In the message text:
The name of the FTP client user exit that is associated with modname
The name of the FTP client user exit routine that modified the FTP command arguments

System action

The FTP command arguments are modified. More than one exit routine might be associated with this user exit. The FTP client passes the modified arguments to the next user exit routine.

Operator response

Not applicable.

System programmer response

Use the FTP client output to determine whether the modified arguments are acceptable.
  • If the modified command is acceptable, no further action is needed.
  • Otherwise, correct the user exit routine modname.

For more information about the FTP client user exits, see FTP client user exits statement in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference.

User response

If you expected the user exit to modify the command arguments, no action is needed. Otherwise, save the FTP client output message for problem determination and contact the system programmer.

Problem determination

The user must enable trace PAR for detailed information about the modified parameters that are passed to the user exit.


z/OS® Communications Server TCP/IP: FTP



Routing code

Not applicable.

Descriptor code

Not applicable.


Not applicable.


# ftp localhost                                           
EZY2640I Using /etc/ftp.data for local site configuration parameters.           
EZYFT25I Using //'CS390.STANDARD.TCPXLBIN' for FTP translation tables for the control connection.        
EZYFT31I Using //'CS390.STANDARD.TCPXLBIN' for FTP translation tables for the data connection.           
EZA1466I FTP: using TCPCS                                                       
EZA1554I Connecting to localhost port 21                             
220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V2R1 at MVS312.tcp.raleigh.ibm.com, 03:22:10 on 2011-07-05.
220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes.   
EZA1459I NAME (localhost:USER1):   
EZA1701I >>> USER user1                                                     
331 Send password please.                                                   
EZA1789I PASSWORD:                                                          
EZA1701I >>> PASS                                                           
230 USER1 is logged on.  Working directory is "USER1.".  
EZA1460I Command:             
ls /etc/ftp.data   
EZA1701I>>> PORT 9,42,105,183,4,4     
200 Port request OK.   
EZA1532I User exit EZAFCCMD module EZAFCCMD modified the FTP command arguments 
EZA1701I >>>NLST /tmp/ftp.data
125 List started OK
EZA2284I /tmp/ftp.data
250 List completed successfully.                                               
EZA1460I Command:                            
EZA1701I >>> QUIT                            
221 Quit command received. Goodbye.          