ATB80036I Buffer storage not available for Receive processing.
A TP called an APPC/MVS conversation service. APPC/MVS could not obtain enough storage to store data to be sent or received in the conversation. This might be an intermittent error.
System action
The system returns a product_specific_error (decimal 20) return code to the caller of the conversation service.
System programmer response
Ensure that the amount of buffer storage specified on the BUFSTOR parameter in the start procedure for APPC/MVS (ATBINITM in SYS1.PROCLIB) is large enough to handle the data to be transmitted, and that the CONVBUFF parameter specifies a percentage of buffer storage that is large enough to handle the sending and receiving of data for the conversation. If you accepted the default value for BUFSTOR (which is approximately one third of free auxiliary storage) when you started APPC, ensure that the system has enough auxiliary storage to handle APPC processing. For more information about how to control the buffer storage limit, see z/OS MVS Planning: APPC/MVS Management. If the problem persists, contact the IBM Support Center.
Programmer response
Try to run the application again. If the error persists, contact the system programmer.