When the system becomes overloaded with entries
for a particular application program interface (API) trace, it suspends
the trace until it can write the entries it has already collected
to the data set. The system issues this message only if trace entries
were lost while the trace was suspended.
The system might suspend
an API trace because conversation activity for the TPs being traced
is very high, because the data set block size is not optimal for the
volume of entries, or because of environmental constraints. For example,
if conversation activity is high and many trace entries are generated,
but I/O to the data set has stopped because another system issued
a RESERVE for the volume on which that data set resides, the system
might temporarily suspend the trace. Similarly, system tuning problems
might also cause the system to suspend tracing activity.
the message text:
- mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn
- Is the month, date, year, hour, minute, second, and microsecond
at which APPC/MVS suspended the API traces. The time is local time.
- number
- The number of trace entries that were lost. The maximum value
for this number is 2147483648; once the system reaches the maximum
value, it resets the counter to zero and continues to count lost entries.
System action
When it issues this message, the system has been
able to resume the trace already. It continues collecting and writing
current trace data to the data set.
Programmer response
If you determine that you have lost important
trace entries, you can stop the trace and restart it after making
some adjustments to avoid losing entries. For example, you might
issue an ATBTRACE LIST request and examine the resulting information,
only to find you are tracing more conversations than you need. In
that case, you might reduce tracing activity by specifying a different
value for the USERID keyword on the START request.
you could allocate another data set without specifying the block size,
and issue a START request with the name of that data set. Then the
system will select a block size that is optimal for the tracing activity.
Detecting Module: