/* Paths out. */

  • PATHOUT STRNAME(IXCAPP) CLASS(TCNEW) - defines signaling structure IXCAPP for outbound use. Outbound signaling paths will be established with every other system that defines this structure for inbound use. These outbound signaling paths are assigned to transport class TCNEW. Outbound messages for group NEWAPP are sent via this signaling structure.
  • PATHOUT STRNAME(IXCDEF) - defines signaling structure IXCDEF for outbound use. Outbound signaling paths will be established with every other system that defines this structure for inbound use. Since no transport class is explicitly specified for this structure, MVS™ assigns the outbound paths to the class DEFAULT. Outbound messages for all groups, other than SYSAPP, are sent via this signaling structure.