The Initial Consultation: Building Your Crime Lab

Hiring either Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot usually requires some effort. If Holmes' mood is unfavorable, only the most persistent client can engage his services. For Poirot, the nature of the mystery must be sufficiently intriguing to entice him to work. Depending on your installation, some APPC/MVS tools require initial set-up before programmers can use them, just as prospective clients must provide background information for Holmes and Poirot.

Both the API trace facility and TP message log require some installation set-up, which is usually performed by a system programmer. Both require data sets that they use to contain trace data or TP messages; in some cases, these data sets must be pre-allocated. In addition to pre-allocating data sets, the system programmer might have to perform the following tasks:
  • Define security profiles for the APPC/MVS resources related to tracing activity.
  • Provide TP message log information in ASCHPMxx parmlib members and TP profile files.

The Error_Extract service requires no installation set-up.